Consulting business services

Consulting business services

Regulations on foreign investment projects inside and outside industrial parks

Regulations on foreign investment projects inside and outside industrial parks

Foreign investment projects inside and outside industrial parks in our country are currently very popular, so learning about the regulations and procedures for investing in these projects in our country is very necessary. Registering investment projects inside and outside industrial parks can be simply understood as carrying out procedures for making an investment registration certificate...

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Documents for establishing a foreign invested company in Vietnam

Documents for establishing a foreign invested company in Vietnam

Currently, Vietnam is considered an excellent investment environment for foreign investors with a wide range of industries and business sectors. Establishment of a foreign-invested company is the first step for foreign investors to establish a full-fledged Ministry of Trade presence in order to conduct investment and business activities in Vietnam. In addition, not everyone knows...

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Procedures for establish a 100% foreign invested company in 2024

Procedures for establish a 100% foreign invested company in 2024

Viet Nam is ahead of the integration of economic growth and market expansion. In that trend, a growing number of 100% foreign-invested companies are being established. In addition, the process of establishing a 100% foreign-invested company in Vietnam requires a thorough understanding of legal procedures and administrative procedures. In this paper, Luat va Ke toan...

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Documents to establish a foreign invested company

Documents to establish a foreign invested company according to legal regulations

Documents for establishing a foreign-invested company are necessary and extremely important in the process of implementing procedures for establishing a foreign-invested company. You are a foreign investor or partner who is learning about procedures for establishing a foreign company in Vietnam. You want to invest in business in the Vietnamese market but don’t know where...

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