Consulting tax accounting services
Accounting services Go Vap district package - fast

In recent years, Go Vap has been a place chosen by many individuals and organizations to establish companies or start a business. Viet My’s professional Go Vap district accounting service is proud to be a service used by many people when developing companies here. Customers using Viet My’s accounting service always appreciate the professional service and feel secure when choosing. If you are interested, please refer to Viet My’s professional accounting services Go Vap district below this article.

1. Professional accounting services Go Vap district at Viet My

To maintain long-term and legal business operations, businesses need to build a professional accounting and tax system right from the beginning. For small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups that have just started operating, this is one of the biggest difficulties. Because the accounting field requires a lot of expertise as well as funding. Therefore, finding a reputable professional accounting and tax service unit with reasonable costs will reduce the burden on the company.

Accounting is an important position in the company, with the role of managing revenue and expenditure, tax issues, financial reports and making related legal documents. In large enterprises, this position often has a separate department. However, for newly established companies, small scale, with few invoices, the cost of hiring accounting staff is quite large, which will be wasteful. Therefore, the full-package accounting service was born to fully meet the professional requirements of an internal accountant in a company but at a much cheaper cost.

The full-package professional accounting service of Viet My is performed by a team of highly qualified accountants in terms of capacity, experience, and work efficiency. Enterprises will be promptly consulted on changes in regulations and circulars on state tax laws. Information and business operations of the enterprise will always be kept confidential.

Subjects who need to use the full-package professional tax accounting service:

  • Newly established enterprises, start-ups with little funding
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises that have not yet completed their accounting department
  • Enterprises that have been around for a long time but the company’s accounting system is unstable and need advice and solutions
  • Enterprises with foreign investment capital and do not have much knowledge of Vietnamese law

2. Why should you use professional accounting services Go Vap district?

Hiring professional accounting services is very necessary, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, newly established, without an internal accounting department, because:

– Newly established enterprises need professional accountants to perform accounting operations, solve difficult problems, and problems in declaring and reporting financial statements for enterprises right from the beginning.

– Enterprises need advice on regulations and decrees related to taxes and financial statements that are not yet fully understood.

– The cost of hiring a full package of professional tax accounting services is cheaper than hiring a company accountant.

– Frequent changes in company accounting personnel, or new documents and regulations on taxes, if enterprises do not grasp them in time, will waste a lot of time or may be fined, affecting the daily business activities of the company.

3. Benefits of using professional accounting services?

Businesses should use professional accounting services because of the following advantages:

  • Saving costs: The cost of hiring accounting staff is not cheap, you can save up to ⅔ of the cost when using outsourced accounting. In addition, businesses can also save a cost when not having to invest in machinery, equipment, and software for separate accounting for the company.
  • Professional accountants: For small and medium-sized enterprises, hiring a highly qualified accountant will cost a lot, but if hiring a new accountant with little experience, they will not have enough expertise to handle complex paperwork. Meanwhile, a professional accounting service is a place that can meet both of the above criteria: cost and expertise. That helps businesses ensure their budget and work efficiency.
  • Avoiding work interruptions: It can be said that the company’s accounting department is one of the most important departments when it comes to understanding the company’s income and expenditure, especially taxes. Hiring an accounting service will avoid interrupting the process of completing documents, financial declarations, and taxes. Businesses also do not need to worry about finding suitable replacement personnel.
  • Predicting financial risks: With accountants possessing high professional capacity, based on monthly/quarterly/annual reports, professional accounting services can closely monitor the company’s financial situation, and at the same time make predictions about possible financial risks for the business.

4. Accounting services performed by Viet My

Accounting services performed by Viet My
Accounting services performed by Viet My

The full package of professional accounting services at Viet My will include the following items:

  • Basic tax accounting operations
  • Processing invoices and documents of enterprises
  • Processing payrolls
  • Calculating and paying insurance according to regulations: Social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, etc.
  • Storing statistical data into the accounting software system

Tax reporting for enterprises and individuals:

  • Monthly tax reporting
  • Quarterly tax reporting
  • Annual tax reporting
  • Corporate financial reporting

Completing paperwork and documents:

  • Completing reporting procedures, submitting reports in accordance with state regulations. Printing, binding and storing important books.

4.1 Monthly tax reporting work

  • Prepare receipts and payments, export and import of sales invoices
  • Manage the company’s cash and digital funds at the bank
  • Report the company’s financial activities in detail within 1 month
  • Report VAT and personal income tax using tax software

4.2 Quarterly tax reporting work

  • Manage the company’s cash and digital funds at the bank on a quarterly basis
  • Report the company’s financial activities in detail in the quarter
  • Report VAT and personal income tax using tax software on a quarterly basis
  • Complete the archiving of all types of records

4.3 Year-end tax reporting work

  • Financial settlement of corporate income tax using tax software
  • Financial settlement of personal income tax using tax software
  • Financial report of the company at the end of the year
  • Storage of documents and records

5. Workflow of professional accounting services in Go Vap district at Viet My

To help customers easily grasp and monitor the working process, Viet My introduces the process of the professional accounting service package as follows:

Step 1: Receiving documents

Customer requests will be received by the department via phone, email and website. After grasping the basic information, the consultant will proactively contact the customer for further discussion.

Step 2: Survey and quote

Grasp the customer’s preliminary situation, grasp the customer’s problems to advise on appropriate service packages.
Preliminary quote for professional accounting services and agreement on the accompanying terms

Step 3: Sign the contract

After agreeing on all items, the legal representatives of the two parties will proceed to sign the contract.

Step 4: Implementation and reporting of results

The accountant will review and check the entire system of documents, data, vouchers and resolve the customer’s problems in accordance with the agreement in the accounting service contract.

During this process, the two parties will have regular and continuous exchanges to grasp the direction and method of solving the work in the fastest and most convenient way.

If any situation arises, the accountant will discuss and advise the customer to ensure compliance with legal regulations.

Step 5: Archive documents and records

Set up and archive documents and records on accounting software

6. Price list of services Accounting services in Go Vap district of Viet My

There are many factors that affect the scope of work, so the cost of accounting services will depend on different factors such as:

  • Scope of work.
  • Business sector and industry of the enterprise
  • Scale of operation of the enterprise: investment capital, annual revenue, number of employees, number of company branches, subsidiaries or affiliated companies.
  • Complexity, difficulty of the work, tasks to be performed.
  • Available resources of Viet My
  • Time to complete the work as required.
  • Level of risk in financial reporting.

Below is the price list of professional accounting services in Go Vap district of Viet My:

Service fees do not generate revenue 2,000,000 VND/quarter
Service fees generate revenue under 1 billion/year


1,000,000 VND/month


Service fees generate revenue from 1 billion/year to 2 billion/year


1,500,000 VND/month


Service fees generate revenue from over 2 billion to 3 billion/year


2,000,000 VND/month


Service fees generate revenue of over 3 billion to 5 billion/year


3,000,000 VND/month


Note: This fee does not include invoice service fee and social insurance. When this service arises, additional charges will be applied according to the attached price list.

7. Viet My’s commitment to professional Go Vap District accounting services

When placing your trust in Viet My’s professional accounting services, you can be completely assured. We always put the trust of our customers as well as our reputation first. We are committed to:

Performing business in accordance with the law and on time: Viet My commits that all data, books, and reports are performed based on current legal regulations and accounting standards. At the same time, we commit to completing on time as agreed.

Reputation – Dedication – Responsibility: We will learn and grasp the details of the business and production activities of the enterprise. From there, we can advise our customers correctly and promptly. Ensure confidentiality of important customer information and data.

Responsibility for errors: We are willing to take responsibility before our customers and the law in the following cases: Completion is not on schedule, data and form.

Protection and explanation: We will also explain related information if requested by the tax authority. Protection and explanation of tax accounting operations performed with previous customers even when no longer using the service.

Below is the professional Go Vap District Accounting Service of VIET MY LAW AND ACCOUNTING in 2024. If you are facing difficulties in accounting, tax reporting or other related issues, please contact us – a reputable and professional unit in this field.

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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.