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Reputable online accounting service nationwide in 2024

Viet My is proud to be one of the leading reputable online accounting service providers nationwide. Trusted by many customers, considered a perfect and economical solution for businesses, especially small and medium enterprises. Therefore, Viet My would like to provide you with the necessary information about “Online accounting services” so that you can better understand this extremely popular type of service and choose a worthy online accounting service. Trusted for your needs.

1. Online accounting service in Viet My

Perform accounting-related tasks such as information processing, accounting bookkeeping, declaration, and year-end financial reporting through online methods. This service is called online accounting service.

This type of service mainly supports newly established companies that do not have a complete accounting system and meets two criteria: the service party has long-term accounting experience and saves money on hiring an accountant.

1.1. Monthly and quarterly work

  • Receive monthly invoices and check if documents are valid or not.
  • Declaration and reporting: All types of declarations, reports, and documents are completed promptly monthly, quarterly, and annually according to current tax laws.
  • Determine the situation of accounting, accounting, and implementation on a quarterly and annual basis.
  • Notify the amount of corporate tax payable immediately upon arising.
  • Register the employee’s personal income tax code (if any).
  • Draft labor contracts and balance labor costs.
  • Personal income tax declaration (if any)
  • Consulting on tax law, insurance, labor law and statistics for businesses.
  • Consulting and supporting businesses to solve other problems that arise within their ability and understanding.

1.2 Annual settlement

  • Financial reports.
  • Prepare annual corporate income tax finalization report.
  • Create personal income tax reports.
  • Create and send various statistical reports.
  • Business hours and service fees.

2. Cost of online accounting service in Viet My

We determine the price for online accounting service based on the scale of business operations, complexity and actual effectiveness of the completed work. However, a note to consider for businesses is that this service should only be used for small and medium businesses to achieve the best results.

To have a basis for a quote, please provide the following information to Viet My:

  • Business code?
  • Where is the business’s headquarters located?
  • Main business line of the enterprise (manufacturing/Trade/Service)?
  • Product name, Main items that the business sells?
  • What is the average revenue per year?
  • Revenue from export/year?
  • Number of employees?
  • How many foreign employees are there?
  • Total number of output invoices/month?
  • Total number of input invoices/month?
  • Total number of items (for commercial and manufacturing businesses)?
  • Foreign invested company?
  • Number of branches and business locations? Where are the branch locations and business locations?
  • Other required services: Accounting services/Chief accountant/Other? …

The fee for online accounting services will certainly be more optimal than doing it directly. Although service prices are more favorable, the quality is not inferior, so customers can be completely assured.

3. Content of Viet My’s online accounting services

Content of Viet My's online accounting services
Content of Viet My’s online accounting services

Online accounting service performs monthly tax reports:

  • Receive applications and register for corporate tax consulting according to accounting and tax regulations.
  • Collect invoices and documents at the office
  • Receive invoices and documents and check if they are valid.
  • Complete accounting documents to verify and record arising transactions carried out by the company such as preparing receipts, payment slips, warehouse receipts, warehouse delivery notes, accounting documents, etc.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to use and store invoices and documents provided by the company
  • Balance added value (input value – output value) at a suitable balance for the company.
  • Securely and efficiently update all the data you need in your management software.
  • Declare all types of VAT and select the VAT declaration to submit to the tax authority.
  • If the previous year’s revenue exceeds 50 billion, the operating company must file monthly tax returns.
  • Create the following types of journals: accounting books, cash books, bank deposits, inventory details, fixed assets, raw materials, tools, and goods
  • Create additional books for each business line of the partner company
  • Prepare and create accounting books as required

Online accounting service performs quarterly tax reports

  • Declare VAT if the company is newly established and declare quarterly if the company is doing business with the previous year’s revenue of 50 billion or less.
  • Complete your partner’s corporate tax return.
  • Continue processing invoices declared in the monthly report.
  • Prepare tax payment papers when incurred
  • Organize and store quarterly accounting records.

Online accounting service performs annual tax finalization

Complete the company’s accounting system, including:

  • Receipts, payment slips, warehouse receipts, warehouse delivery notes.
  • Bank deposits, cash amounts
  • Comply with legal regulations, including comprehensive reports on inventory data, tool allocation schedules and fixed asset depreciation schedules.

4. The process of implementing Viet My’s online accounting services

4.1. Who should use online accounting services?

  • Nearby businesses in major cities need accounting services.
  • Newly established companies need additional advice on current accounting and tax regulations.
  • Small businesses use this form of service to save costs.
  • Foreign companies operating in Vietnam need support in accounting processes and legal regulations

4.2. Information customers need to provide when using Viet My’s online accounting services

  • Provide input and output invoices (original or photocopy)
  • Digital signature device for online tax declaration and reporting

Note: All transactions are processed online using specialized tools such as: Chat/email/direct call software. Therefore, even companies in remote areas can easily use the service and can significantly reduce costs compared to conventional services.

4.3. Process of implementing online accounting services in Viet My

Step 1: Exchange and collect information about customers’ business functions and bookkeeping systems through communication channels such as phone, email, and internet.

Step 2: Discuss the requirements with the customer and discuss the work to be performed under the developing contract.

Step 3: Send the job details and costs to the customer

Step 4: After both parties agree, sign the contract

5. Benefits when using Viet My’s online accounting services

Online accounting services provide accurate, real-time financial reports on demand. Historical financial data is useful for financial forecasting, but not for growing your business stronger. Accurate and timely financial reporting thanks to online accounting services.

You can always use our online accounting services to interpret and analyze data in financial statements to make the right decisions for your business. Businesses are available for consultation. Get a high-quality overview of your company’s finances directly from us.

A business calculation process can help you increase your profits. Service providers in particular often struggle with costs. Without accurate accounting records and financial reports, it is impossible to determine accurate job costs. Accounting processes help companies evaluate costs and profits, and make digital changes to increase profits.

Our online accounting services department can help you leverage technology to get the most out of your accounting software. Instant 24/7 access to your financial information through a secure Internet connection is just the beginning of the technological benefits that online accounting offers. Our software experts will guide you through the features and applications that help you get the most out of your accounting and bookkeeping software, teaching you exactly what you need to know.

Viet My’s online accounting service ensures the partner company’s accountant is the point of contact for all your questions, ideas and concerns. Our online accounting software and services experts work with our partners to manage your accounting processes and procedures and ensure compliance with Treasury laws.

With Viet My, businesses do not need to waste time hiring, training, or supervising accountants, but also do not worry about losing control of the company’s books. Authorized personnel can access your data at any time through a password-protected login, so you can be sure your data is up to date and accurate. Viet My provides online accounting services for businesses and enterprises with annual revenue of over 500 billion in different fields.

Our customers trust Viet My’s services and continue to use our services because we add value to their businesses. Do you want to experience the benefits that our accounting team brings? Try it!

With nearly 10 years of experience in the profession, Viet My understands the needs of small businesses that want to find a unit that can support tax accounting work and complete the work quickly. Quality and cost savings are also factors to consider. Therefore, the online accounting service provided by VIETNAMESE LAW AND ACCOUNTING gives customers a comprehensive service at a reasonable cost.

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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.