Consulting domestic services
District 3 company establishment service package in 2024

District 3 company establishment service is Viet My’s business legal consulting service serving customers in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City. With the service of establishing a cheap company in District 3, customers will be consulted and guided in detail on each step to prepare and notify the necessary procedures according to regulations, complete the procedures, and draft documents. Apply to establish a company, submit company establishment documents to the licensing agency.

1. Current types of companies in Vietnam

There are currently five types of companies in Vietnam:

1.1 Limited liability company

Private Co., Ltd. is a one-member company and has two or more members.

One-member limited company is a company owned by a community or an individual. Owners of 1-city limited company.

Company Limited with two or more members is a company with 2 to 50 members being organizations and individuals. Members are liable for debts and other liabilities within the capital invested in the company.

1.2 Joint Stock Company

A joint stock company is a company whose stockholders’ equity is divided into equal shares called shares; shareholder members can be organizations, individual; the minimum number of shareholders participating is 3 shareholders and does not limit the maximum number of shareholders; Shareholders are only responsible for debts and financial obligations within the amount of capital contributed and shareholders have the right to transfer their shares to others.

1.3 Partnership Company

A company that is a company must have at least two co-owners operating under the joint name (hereinafter referred to as partnerships). In addition to general shareholders, the company may have other capital investments; ;

1.4 Private Enterprise

An enterprise owned by an individual and responsible for all of its assets during the course of the business.

2. The process of establishing a company in District 3

2.1 Conditions for establishing a company in District 3

Company name: The name of the company must be in Vietnamese, have alphanumeric characters, symbols, and must be pronounced.

Head office address: Must be clear for mail to reach the company. This not only protects the company’s profits but also prevents the tax authorities from considering that the company has left its residence.

Company establishment capital: There should be sufficient established capital to ensure the company’s response to the business cooperation department. Convenient for business and business development and is the basis for collecting corporate card taxes.

Company form: There are many types of companies that founders can choose, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, suitable for each industry.

Position of legal representative: Position of Director (General Director) or President (MTV Limited Company) of the Company is possible. Chairman of the Members’ Council; Chairman of the Board of Directors

Area: Founders should choose a career that is suitable for their business needs, as this area will also be related to the company’s VAT invoice in the future. Decision 10/2007/QD-TTg provides national business sector regulations and is regulated in detail on each business sector at the time of company registration.

2.2 Dossiers of establishment of company in District 3

a, For Limited Company

  • Business registration form.
  • Rules of the company.
  • List of members.

Copies of the following documents:

  • For members who are individuals or entities, the legal document of their legal representatives.
  • Legal documents of the organization for members of the organization and documents for appointment of authorized representatives. A personal legal document for authorized representatives of members of an organization.
  • If you are a member of a foreign organization, a copy of its legal documents must be certified as consul.
  • Copy of the Certificate of Investment Registration of Foreign Investors under the Investment Law.

b, For the Joint Stock Company

  • Company registration form.
  • Rules of the company.
  • List of founders; list of shareholders of foreign investors.

Copies of the following documents:

  • Separate legal dossiers for founding shareholders and foreign investor shareholders are legal entities and representatives;
  • Legal documents for shareholders are institutional and documented to appoint authorized representatives;
  • Legal documents of authorized representatives of founding shareholders and foreign investors are institutional.
  • If the shareholder is a foreign organization, a copy of the legal documents of the organization must be legalized as consul;
  • For foreign investors, a Certificate of registration under the Investment Law is required.

c, For Partnership Company

  • Company registration form.
  • Rules of the company.
  • List of members.
  • Scan of personal legal documents for members.
  • Copy of the Certificate of Investment Registration of Foreign Investors under the Investment Law.

d, For Private Enterprise

  • Form of company registration.
  • Scan of private business owners’ personal papers.

2.3 Procedures for establishing a company in District 3

a) Prepare all the information needed to set up a business

Choosing the type of enterprise: Entrepreneurs need to understand the characteristics of each type of enterprise in order to identify and select the type of enterprise that best suits the direction of the company’s growth.

Business sector selection: The business sector of the company specifies the business areas in which the company can operate and the items that the company can include on the VAT invoice. For buyers.

Company Name: The name of the company is associated with the identification, identification and construction of the company’s next brand. When naming a company, it’s best to name it short, easy to remember, easy to pronounce, without duplicating or confusing it with the previously reserved company name.

Addressing your company’s office: Addressing your company’s office as part of your company’s legal use. The company’s head office is the company’s place of contact in Vietnam’s territory, the address includes the number of houses, alleys, alleys, alleys, alleys, hamlets, congregations, dioceses and dioceses; Districts and districts; central administrative districts; phone numbers and fax numbers and e-mail addresses (if any).

Identifying Members/Shareholders of Capital Contributions: Members/Shares of Capital Contributions are those who have owned the company directly since its establishment.

Determination of stockholders’ equity: Stockholders’ equity is the amount of capital contributed or committed to full contribution within a certain period (up to 90 days from the date of license operation), expressed as share capital. Company regulations. The determination of stockholders’ equity is based on the total capital invested in the company by members/shareholders.

Designation of legal representative: After you have studied all of the above information, you need to determine who is the legal representative of the enterprise. A legal representative of a company is a person assigned by law or the competent state agency to represent the company in business transactions such as signing contracts and signing personal tax certificates.

b, Draft and submit company establishment documents

After synthesizing the necessary information, the person carrying out the procedure begins to draft and prepare the necessary documents. Depending on the type of company and field of activity, you must prepare the relevant documents that ACC mentioned in section 3.

c, Send request and publish report

The applicant brings the application to the business registration book of the local planning and investment agency. In addition, you must prepare money to pay the publication fee when applying.

Note: The legal representative of the company does not need to apply. The company’s legal representative can authorize another person to submit a request on behalf of the company. To authorize, the authorized person needs a valid power of attorney

After 03 days from the date of receipt of the application, if the application is valid, the enterprise will be issued a Business Registration Certificate.

The receiving institution will send a bank statement on your behalf after you have paid the application fee.

d, Make a legal entity seal

Before the seal can be engraved, a sample seal template is required. You can design it yourself or ask a third party or print shop to design it.

To engrave the company seal, you need to bring a copy of the Business Registration Certificate and seal sample (if any) to the agency competent to engrave the seal.

When coming to receive, the company representative brings the Business Registration Certificate (original). In addition, if the company’s legal representative cannot directly receive the seal, he or she can authorize another person (notarized power of attorney) to receive the seal.

2.4 Expenses incurred in establishing a company in District 3

Fees payable at incorporation of the company are as follows:

Company registration fee: According to Ministry of Finance regulations, 50,000 VND / 01 Certificate of company registration;
Fees for publication of “deposit” information posting company information on the national portal: 100,000 VND;
Company seal engraving fee (may or may not): Company seal engraving fee is the fee paid for seal engraving service: 350,000 VND / 1 stamp.
Digital signature and commercial invoice purchase fees: Depending on the invoice provider, the normal digital signature purchase fee is: 2,300,000 VND (three-year package), electronic invoice software purchase fee: 1,000,000 VND (500 pages).

2.5 Time to establish a company in District 3

Usually, it takes 3-5 days to apply for a company establishment license, a registration license for a Vietnamese company to the Ministry of Planning and Investment to establish a business. In other words, it takes about 3 to 5 days to start a business with domestic capital.

It takes 15-30 days to apply for an investment license and 3-5 days to apply for a business license when establishing a foreign element enterprise. The total time required to combine foreign elements and establish a company is about 18-30 days.

Please note that above is only the time to apply for a business license to the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Firms should keep in mind that it will take longer to prepare company information, records, procedures and related documents. Therefore, how long it takes to establish a company, among other things, depends on the preparation and execution of business.

3. Viet My District 3 Company Establishment Services

Today, it is not too difficult to implement the procedures for establishing a company branch or the procedures for establishing a company, and the records and procedures are relatively easy. But in order to be 100% accurate and receive applications at the first time, saving time, cost and quickly stabilize the business, some background knowledge is needed. Therefore, the service for establishing a company in District 3 of Vietnam My is always selected by individuals and organizations because of the following benefits:

Viet My District 3 Company Establishment Services
Viet My District 3 Company Establishment Services

3.1 What preparations do you need to make when using Viet My District 3 company establishment service

The process of establishing a company is easy for customers. All you have to do is prepare your ID or ID card or passport and a certified copy (notarized copy).

We will ask for information such as company name, business area, capital, location of head office. We prepare and implement for our clients, including lawyers and experts. There’s no need to travel much. Everything was done with care.

3.2 Benefits of using Viet My District 3 company establishment services

Customers can trust the authorization to represent Vietnam America when choosing to use the service to establish a company in District 3 of Vietnam My:

a) Professional support team consisting of private experts

The consulting service company is a professional organization with a team of highly qualified professionals who advise on all legal matters concerning the establishment of a domestic company, ensuring the sound performance of the company. In particular, pre-establishment consultation questions are aimed at ensuring that the establishment record is 100% successful, including difficult issues.

b) Clearly define the route, time, and cost

The consulting service company provides a clear schedule of work with a clear and specific time and detailed cost for each step of implementing the procedure so that customers can understand the progress of the work and develop a work plan. a process. Even after the company was founded.

c) Guaranteed 100% success

The service company clearly advises legal issues such as company name, business area, initial capital, etc. in accordance with the law. Then, your company profile will be 100% successful and ready to go into business.

d) Procedures in accordance with regulations and protection of business interests

The Enterprise Consulting Service is an organization that understands and learns about Vietnamese legal regulations related to companies’ business activities and supports the sustainable development of companies while complying with legal regulations.

e) Accompanying the company in consulting and supporting after establishment

At the Start-up Consulting, we are responsible for solving problems arising from preparation of documents and procedures until business license is issued to the company. At the same time, the consulting service company will accompany and support the procedures that arise after completing the establishment procedure. Companies always have leaders who provide effective solutions to help them solve all problems and achieve results professionally and in compliance.

4. Notes on establishing a company in District 3

a, To prepare all necessary papers and documents

One of the first things that organizations and individuals must prepare when establishing enterprises is to prepare necessary documents and documents. For the company to operate in accordance with the law, documents related to each field of operation such as business license, license registration certificate or sub-licenses must be fully legalized.
Preparation of a complete dossier is an important step in the registration process for establishing a company.

b, Familiarize yourself with registration steps and procedures

In addition to completing all necessary documents, it is important to understand the steps of the business registration process. Because actually membership registration involves many steps and needs to be done in the order and manner specified.

c, Select reputable business support company

In addition to preparing the application and submitting the application in accordance with the prescribed procedures, the enterprise may also request assistance from established service delivery units. However, you should look for reputable units for quick assistance and legal guarantees.

5. Frequently asked questions when starting a company

5.1 What are the basic taxes payable by the company?

  • Subject fee according to registered capital
  • VAT by company’s balanced input product
  • Corporate income tax is only paid if the company has a profit, 20% of the company’s profits
  • Tariffs on exports and imports if any
  • Resource tax if any
  • Special consumption tax if the company operates in a special trade restriction industry

5.2 What should be noted when reporting taxes when starting a company

VAT declaration: Enterprises do not prepare input and output invoices still have to submit VAT declaration (GTP) before the tax declaration and tax payment date.

For the statement of use of invoices: The company must report even if the company has not prepared a value-added invoice (if the company has carried out the procedures for issuing a value-added invoice).

Year-end Financial Statements: Companies should note that even if the company is not doing business, year-end financial statements must be prepared and presented.

5.3 How long is the deadline for submitting the tax return form after establishing the company?

Report card fees once when starting a new organization, no later than the last day of the month of starting production and business.

If the payer of fees newly establishes a place of business, has not yet produced a business, he must report the number of subject fees within 30 days from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration or the date of issuance of the enterprise. a license. Certificate of investment registration and tax or the issuing date of the certificate of registration of the company.

5.4 What is the collection rate of card fees after establishing the company?

Company with a capital of more than VND10 billion: VND 3,000,000/year;
Enterprises with registered capital of VND10 billion or less: VND 2,000,000/year;
Unit under the company: branches and offices to pay subject tax of 1,000,000 VND/year.

5.5 Who signed the contracts for the establishment of the company prior to the establishment of the company?

According to Article 18 of the Enterprise Law 2020, the founder is the person who signs the agreements for establishment of the company before establishing the company.

The above is a detailed share of District 3 company establishment service. It can be seen that the time to establish a company depends on the investment capital of the company, if the funds from members and shareholders come from abroad, the time to establish the company is longer than usual. Hopefully with this article, we have provided you with basic regulations so that you can actively prepare documents and procedures to complete the opening of the business as quickly as possible. If there is any problem or need to use the service, contact Luat va Ke Toan Viet My directly for specific advice.



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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.