Graphic profile of company establishment
capacity profile form a newly established construction company

The capacity profile form of a newly established construction company, also known as a profile, can be simply interpreted as a resume. In a job application CV, you show your qualifications, experience, and strengths to attract employers. For the profile, it is used on a larger scale. It is considered a useful tool to promote the company’s image and brand to the public in terms of products, quality and status.

1. What is the sample capacity profile of a newly established construction company?

It is very difficult for any new construction company to want to gain a foothold in the market. Since most start-up companies do not have much field experience and many do not know them, they have not gained trust with their partners.

The newly established capacity profile of a construction company is considered a tool to promote the image of a brand to customers and the public.

1.1 What is a capacity profile?

A capacity profile is a document that contains the most comprehensive and comprehensive information about a company. Information such as logos, names, core values, achievements, core personnel, etc. Purpose of communicating information about the company to customers, partners and investors.

1.2 Purpose of capacity profile use

The use of capacity profiles and enterprise profiles also varies. While company profiles are used for many people such as customers, partners, new employees, etc. Capacity profiles are often documents that companies can use when communicating with customers or purchasing partners.

Understanding the difference between capacity profile planning and business profile planning helps companies aim more clearly at content, what to emphasize, what is good for customers and partners.

1.3 Capacity profile role

a) Impress partners/customers

The file is the company’s property and is considered the face of any company. Therefore, an impressive and unique portfolio will surely help companies make a first impression on their customers and encourage them to learn more about your business.

b) Participate in bidding for a project

The portfolio is the most important publication a company can use in a bidding project. While in the past only construction and real estate companies focused on capacity records, today companies need and should design their own portfolios regardless of their occupations.

If you don’t have much time to communicate with your customers at trade fairs or bidding, an impressive portfolio will replace some of the tasks of communicating and persuading customers.Of course, your portfolio must be professionally designed, outstanding, short but of high quality and reflect your company’s performance and personality.

c) Send you marketing information

With the development of the Internet, customers can now look up information about businesses on websites and social networks. However, capacity profiles have the advantage of allowing customers to search and retrieve information quickly at any time. It’s very convenient because you don’t have to go through a lot of research and search.

Another reason your portfolio is valuable is that your customers may not pay attention to your promotional materials or promotional materials, but they will appreciate the impressive and beautiful portfolio. More importantly, we will definitely get a lot of attention from our customers.

2. Layout of a new company capacity profile form

When designing a new capacity profile form, the following items are required:

Step 1: General information about the company

This section contains the following information:

  • Name of the company;
  • Company emblem;
  • Date of establishment and organizational chart;
  • Business license or decision to establish a company;
  • Company address;
  • Main website;
  • Commercial areas.

In addition, more images are needed to represent the company’s business directions.

Step 2: Personnel – Staff List

  • Professional;
  • Degrees;
  • Production capacity.

Step 3: Equipment – Machines

  • List of vehicles, equipment and machinery of the company;
  • Number of machines;
  • Download physical assets of the company.

Step 4: Contact information for the company

  • Repeat the company logo;
  • Contact information, such as the company’s phone number or email address. In addition, you can add several images that demonstrate growth.

3. Form of capacity profile form newly established construction company

Form of capacity profile form newly established construction company
Form of capacity profile form newly established construction company

a, Capacity Profile Design Book Cover.

  • Company Name
  • Company logo
  • A slogan or standard or slogan indicating the importance of the company
  • Photo showing the company’s business activities and operations

b, Page 2 – 3 Design Books

  • Integrate actual company images and decorative illustrations
  • Attachment File
  • Interpreting images

c, Page 4-5 of your portfolio design book

  • Open letter
  • Certificates, achievements and awards received by the company
  • Interpreting images

d, Pages 6-7 Portfolio Design

  • Company Profile
  • Sectors and fields of activity
  • Vision – Mission – Core Value

e, 8-9-page portfolio design book

  • The history of company formation and development
  • The event marked an important milestone for the company’s growth and success
  • Significant milestone in the growth of the company
  • Interpreting images

f, Page 10-11 Investment Portfolio Design Book

  • Size of leading imaging company. Member of the executive branch. chief personnel
  • Other highlights can be introduced, the achievements of the members and key figures.
  • Schematic diagram of explanatory images

g, Page 12-13 List Design

  • Details of activities, services provided and application areas
  • It’s very important that a typical project is completed.
  • Key products and services of the company
  • Warranty Policy, Advertising. explanatory images

h, Page 14-15 Book Portfolio Design

  • Overview, list of all projects and work carried out
  • Social activities towards community, environment, humanities, etc. demonstrate a sustainable development strategy
    explanatory images

i, The final cover of the portfolio design book

  • Repeat Logo
  • The slogan.
  • Company Contact Details

4. Note when developing a new company capacity profile form

The same form of a newly established company capacity profile or company formation profile includes positions depending on the size of the company, investment capital, industry and field of operation. When designing your company profile, you should consider the following points:

  • The content is concise, easy to understand, clearly articulate, concrete and consistent. Because it’s the part that lets the customer know you.
  • A neat, beautiful, attractive presentation. Third, images must be descriptive and actionable for your company
    Standard A4 or A5. paper
  • Emphasize, emphasize and draw attention to strengths and leadership. Company management and human resources. They represent the company’s track record and experience. It will be easier to persuade customers because there is documentation to prove it since then.
  • Emphasize the role, career and value of the company. Demonstrate a desire to work with customers.
  • Provide your customers with some privileges. As a reason to persuade customers to trust our company and cooperate for a long time.
  • In a start-up business, you can’t list all the details as in a sample text. Therefore, your newly created company profile template should focus on your interests to ensure it attracts readers.
  • Including many certificates, awards and achievements of the company. In short, focus on creating a beautiful and professional profile for your start-up company.

a, You need to start with the basics.

The beginning of your profile must be friendly and catch the reader’s attention. A profile book usually begins with a preface to the company’s willingness to work with you.

In addition, details on the company’s history and development trajectory should be accurately recorded. Readers do not need to know all information about the company’s structure and development, so this section is flexible enough to eliminate important details.

Outstanding achievements and awards from well-known organizations are important points to include in your profile. However, too much can lead to confusion and loss of aesthetics, so excellence should only be pursued when it brings many benefits to the business.

b, A clear description of the company’s area of operation

Your profile must specifically describe your company’s business model as well as the products and services it provides. You must demonstrate the benefits and values your target customers will receive from your company’s products and services. Vision – Mission – Core Value also needs to emphasize this.

c, Explain in figures

The specific number gives a clearer picture of the customer. You must provide data on capacity, output and revenue that your company will generate, including future forecasts, profits, employee numbers and other financial information that will be useful to our readers. This is especially important if the purpose of the profile is to target investment and find business partners.

Images are a hundred times more powerful than words. The charts, charts, and other data that come with help you provide more information to your customers visually. This representation increases the reliability of the information in the profile by displaying accurate data in multiple dimensions. Business partners and investors will be able to better understand the company’s financial statements.

d, Prove your talent

When creating company profiles for your new business, don’t hesitate to use numbers to show your familiarity with the services and products you can provide. It doesn’t matter if these things are listed or actually provided. A company’s activities are demonstrated by finance, human resources, intellectual capacity, passion and ambition.

e, Organize information in an easy way to understand

Information should be organized as simply as possible. What you should achieve: Brief, concise, focused, concrete and structured information that is easy to understand. For this reason, company records often follow simple layout forms and contain only necessary and useful information.

5. Common Capacity Profile Template Questions

5.1 Why is it necessary to design a professional and impressive capacity profile?

Make information about your company available to your customers

Advertise your outstanding skills, achievements, products or services discreetly to your customers. This will increase sales. Your sales team will be stronger and more confident, making it easier to share information and photos and lead when you create a complete company profile.

Show professionalism and win the hearts of partners and customers. Building a strong brand of enterprise. Distinguish oneself from one’s peers

5.2 What is the difference between capacity profile and construction company profile?

The two concepts of capacity profiles and company profiles are generally understood to be equivalent in practice.

Design categories often show a construction company’s unique competitive edge over others. The company profile introduces the history of the brand’s formation and development.

Profiles are a tool for the company to communicate with customers and partners in shopping. The company capacity profile is highlighted when the company is introduced to new employees, customers and partners.

5.3 Where is the capacity profile design for the construction company?

If the company does not have a highly trained design team, it can hire third-party services for a professional profile, and if it wants to print colors or enhance images, it can use the services of design companies or batch printing.

In addition, there are a number of websites that support capacity profile design, company profiles based on available forms of construction companies.

5.4 Issuance of construction capacity certificate to consulting company

After receiving all valid documents, the competent authority to issue the certificate of employment capacity must issue the certificate of employment capacity within 20 days, if it is the first level, if it is a salary transfer. competence certificate or professional certificate correction and completion of a professional certificate; 10 days if re-issuance of a Health Qualification Certificate. If the dossier is incomplete and valid, the competent authority issuing the competence certificate shall notify the requesting agency of the competence certificate only once in writing within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the dossier.

5.5 Is the capacity profile of the associated lead unit required when carrying out the quarterly pharmaceutical project?

The lead agency of the implementation program of the valuable plant project must submit to the District People’s Council the capacity profile of the unit responsible for the association and the relevant members in carrying out the valuable plant project.

The capacity profile form of the association chairing unit and affiliated members of the implementation of the precious medicinal plant project is shown in Appendix Form B1.3 to Circular 10/2022/TT-BYT.

Now you know how to capacity profile form a newly established construction company impressive and professional in the eyes of customers, partners and the public. If you have further questions regarding the capacity profile design for the company, contact us. Luat va Ke Toan Viet My will advise and assist you in designing capacity profiles suitable for the current competitive market.

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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.