Graphic price list for establishing a company
Extremely attractive quote for company establishment in Viet My

When carrying out company establishment procedures, individuals and organizations need to fully pay the prescribed fees to the state. Besides, when using the company establishment service, there will be an additional fee. Customers can refer to the quote for company establishment in Viet My below to choose the appropriate cost. When using Viet My’s company establishment service, customers can be assured of quality as well as extremely reasonable company establishment prices.

1. Who must pay the company registration fee?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 2 of Decree 47/2019/ND-CP, the person responsible for paying the company registration fee is the organization or individual when registering a business according to Vietnamese law.

In Clause 1, Article 3 of Decree 01/2021/ND-CP, company registration is the act of an individual or organization establishing a company registering information about the company they intend to establish. (enterprise) registers changes in information about business registration with the Business Registration Authority and will be stored in the national database on business registration. Company establishment registration will include company establishment registration, operation registration for representative offices, branches, business locations and other registration and notification obligations as prescribed in the Decree 01/2021/ND-CP.

2. What expenses do I need to pay when establishing a company?

When establishing a company, customers need to pay the following expenses:

Company registration fees are paid at the Department of Planning and Investment

Article 32 of Decree 01/2021/ND-CP stipulates that businesses will have to pay company establishment registration fees and charges at the time of submitting company establishment documents.

Company founders can pay fees directly or by electronic payment service.

In addition, when companies register to establish a company electronically, they will be exempted from the business establishment registration fee.

Fee for publication of business registration contents

According to the provisions of the Enterprise Law 2020, within 30 days, the company must publish the business registration content on the National Business Information Portal.

Cost of engraving company seal

Currently, depending on each unit providing the service of legal stamp engraving, prices vary

Cost of making company signs

Depending on the company making the sign, the price will be different.

Fee for purchasing digital signature (Token)

Digital signature is an encrypted form of USB used instead of the signature and seal of the company’s legal representative to sign declarations or other operations on the electronic network to identify all operations as belonging to the company. medical company.

Companies can contact popular digital signature providers such as Viettel, Vina, Vinca… to make a purchase of Digital Signature equipment.

Open a bank account and notify the bank account

When established, a company must open a bank account to conduct transactions and use it to pay taxes according to current mandatory regulations. The procedure to open a bank account will be free of charge. However, the company needs to ensure the account balance is at least 1,000,000 VND.

Declare and pay license fees

According to the provisions of Decree 22/2020/ND-CP amending and supplementing Decree 139/2016/ND-CP, companies established in 2021 will be exempt from license fees in the first year of establishment.

3. How much is the company establishment fee?

These are state fees and some other costs that individuals and organizations can pay when establishing a company.

3.1 Company establishment fees paid to the state

The schedule of public establishment registration fees and charges issued together with Circular No. 47/2019/TT-BTC 2019 of the Ministry of Finance is as follows:

Numerical order Content Unit Collection rates
1 Fees for registration of enterprises (including: Issuance, reissuance, change of contents of the certificate of registration of enterprises and the certificate of registration of operations of representative offices, branches, and business locations) VND/time 50.000
2 Fee for providing information about the business
3 Providing information on Certificate of registration of enterprises; Certificate of operation of representative offices, branches and places of business VND/copy 20.000
4 Provision of information in the application for business establishment; Provision of financial statements of all types of companies VND/copy 40.000
5 Provide comprehensive company reports VND/report 150.000
6 Publication of contents of business establishment registration VND/time 100.000
7 Provide company information by account of 125 copies/month or more VND/month 4.500.000

3.2 Other costs after establishing the company

Other costs after establishing a company can be understood as costs for the company to be able to conduct activities, the company will need to purchase digital signatures, issue electronic invoices or place company signs. ….. Then there will be some additional costs incurred after establishment, specifically as follows:

Cost of engraving company seal

The cost depends on the company’s seal engraving service provider and the type of seal required by the company. The price for a company round seal can range from 200,000 VND to 300,000 VND. Stamp the title of company director, company president… ranges from 70,000 VND to 150,000 VND.

Fee for purchasing digital signature

The cost of purchasing a digital signature depends on the service provider and the number of years of service use. Digital signature for 03 years of use ranges from 1,500,000 VND – 2,000,000 VND.

License fees

License fees will be based on the company’s charter capital and are divided into the following two levels:

  • If the company’s charter capital is less than 10 billion, the license fee is 2,000,000 VND/year.
  • If the company’s charter capital is over 10 billion, the license fee is 3,000,000 VND/year.

Cost for placing company signs (sticker or hanging type): 300,000 VND – 500,000 VND (depending on choice and size requirements)

Cost for opening a company bank account: Pay 1,000,000 VND to maintain the account;

Note: This is the cost when the company performs all of the above work itself. Companies can use the services of reputable units with expertise in company establishment to save more costs and time.

Quote for establishing a company in Viet My
Quote for establishing a company in Viet My

4. Subjects are exempt from company establishment fees

According to the provisions of Article 5 of Decree 47/2019/ND-CP, subjects are exempted from company registration fees and fees for announcing the contents of company registration including:

– Companies that add or change information due to changes in administrative boundaries will be exempt from company registration fees and fees for publishing the company registration content.

– Registration of company dissolution, temporary suspension of business or termination of operation of representative offices, branches, or business locations will be exempt from company registration fees.

– Companies that register to establish a business electronically will be exempted from the business establishment registration fee.

– State agencies requesting to provide information to serve state management will be free to provide information about businesses.

– Small and medium-sized companies converted from business households will be exempt from company registration fees and fees for providing information about the business for the first time.

5. Quote for establishing a company in Viet My

When establishing a company, individuals and organizations are very concerned about establishment costs. Individuals and organizations can choose to use company establishment services from reputable service providers. However, the cost and price of establishing a company in Viet My are considered by many individuals and organizations to be attractive and consistent with service quality. Viet My would like to quote the price for establishing a company in Viet My below.

It can be seen that this is an extremely economical price for establishing a company. When using Viet My’s company establishment service, customers can also receive many attractive incentives.

6. Frequently asked questions about company establishment price list

6.1 Do I have to pay a fee to register a company online?

Companies that register to establish a company electronically are exempt from the business establishment registration fee.

6.2 Who must pay a fee for providing information about the company?

Organizations and individuals who use company information provision services are responsible for paying the full fee for providing information about the business.

6.3 What costs can there be before establishing a company?

Costs for training employees, costs for advertising incurred before establishing the company, costs for research, costs for moving to location, costs for purchasing and using technical documents and patents. , licenses to transfer technology, trade marks and business advantages.

6.4 Are expenses before establishing a company tax deductible?

For expenses that may arise before establishing the company, if there are all valid invoices and documents according to regulations. There are documents of agreements, authorization letters, legal contracts or invoices and documents to serve the company’s production and business activities. They will be accounted for as deductible expenses when calculating corporate income tax.

6.5 Where is the most optimal company establishment service cost?

The cost of company establishment services that customers have to pay when using Viet My’s company establishment service is optimal and is the most suitable choice for customers.

The above is an estimate of Viet My company’s establishment, if you have difficulty in preparing the company’s establishment costs or if you have questions about the company’s establishment, please contact LUAT VA KE TOAN VIET MY for further advice and benefits!

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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.