Consulting tax accounting services
Price list of full accounting services at Viet My from only 500k

Are you looking for information about the price list of full accounting services? Let Viet My help you solve this problem! With flexible price lists and service packages suitable for all needs, we are committed to bringing your business convenience and outstanding efficiency. Saving costs, avoiding accounting errors and focusing on core business activities – that is the benefit that Viet My brings to you. Contact us now to receive a price list and detailed consultation!

1. Introduction to full accounting services

When doing business, financial management and accounting play an extremely important role in ensuring the stability and sustainable development of the enterprise. However, establishing and maintaining an accounting department or hiring a Chief Accountant can require a lot of resources and finance. To solve this problem, full accounting services have emerged as a solution worth considering for businesses.

1.1 What is full accounting service?

Full accounting service is a service that provides businesses with all accounting operations, including:

  • Accounting bookkeeping
  • Preparing financial statements
  • Tax reporting
  • Tax settlement
  • Tax consulting

Full accounting services help businesses save time, costs and ensure the accuracy of accounting operations. Businesses can focus on their core business activities, without having to worry about accounting issues.

1.2 Benefits of full-package accounting services for businesses

Full-package accounting services bring many benefits to businesses, including:

Save time: Businesses can focus on their core business activities, without having to worry about accounting issues.

Save costs: Businesses do not need to hire a full-time accountant, just use the full-package accounting service when necessary.

Ensure accuracy: Accountants of full-package accounting services companies have high expertise and extensive experience, ensuring the accuracy of accounting operations.

Avoid tax risks: Accountants of full-package accounting services companies can advise businesses on tax issues, helping businesses avoid tax risks.

Enhance business competitiveness: Businesses can focus on their core business activities without worrying about accounting issues, which helps businesses enhance their competitiveness.

2. Content and scope of full accounting services

The content and scope of full accounting services include the following tasks:

Accounting: Recording economic transactions arising during the operation of the enterprise in the accounting books.

Preparing financial statements: Preparing financial statements according to the provisions of law, including summary reports, detailed reports and supplementary reports.

Tax reporting: Declare taxes for enterprises, including corporate income tax, personal income tax, value added tax, business license tax and other taxes.

Tax settlement: Tax settlement for enterprises with tax authorities.

Tax consulting: Consulting enterprises on tax issues, including tax regulations, tax calculation methods, tax payment methods and other tax-related issues.

Full accounting services can be provided to enterprises of all business sectors, sizes and industries. The scope of our full accounting services can be tailored to suit the needs of each business.

3. Requirements and criteria for choosing a full-package accounting service

Price list of full accounting services
Price list of full accounting services

To choose a reputable full-package accounting service company, businesses need to pay attention to the following requirements and criteria:

Suitability to the scale and business sector of the business: Businesses need to choose a full-package accounting service company that can meet the needs of their scale and business sector. For example, if the business is large, it needs to choose an accounting service company with a team of experienced accountants who can handle a large volume of work. If the business operates in a specific field, it needs to choose an accounting service company with expertise in that field.

Composition and quality of the team of experts: Businesses need to choose an accounting service company with a team of good, experienced and highly qualified experts. The team of experts must be able to advise and answer questions from businesses about accounting, tax and financial issues.

Commitment to ensure the confidentiality and accuracy of accounting information: Businesses need to choose an accounting service company that is committed to ensuring the confidentiality and accuracy of accounting information. The accounting information of the business is an important asset that needs to be kept absolutely confidential. The accounting service company needs to have effective information security measures and must be responsible for any errors that occur related to the accounting information of the business.

In addition to the above requirements and criteria, businesses also need to pay attention to other factors such as price, implementation time and support capabilities of the accounting service company. Businesses need to compare different accounting service companies to choose a company that provides the best service at a reasonable price.

4. Price list of full accounting services

The price list of full accounting services will depend on many factors. Below is the price list of full accounting services of some reputable accounting service companies:

Number of invoices/1 month Field Fee/1 month
Under 5 Trade, services, consulting 500.000 – 1.000.000 VND
Construction, manufacturing, processing, installation, restaurant 1.000.000 – 1.300.000 VND
From 5-20 Trade, services, consulting 1.100.000-1.500.000 VND
Construction, manufacturing, processing, installation, restaurant 1.100.000-2.000.000 VND
From 21- 50 Trade, services, consulting 2.000.000 VND
Construction, manufacturing, processing, installation, restaurant 2.500.000 VND
Under 90 Trade, services, consulting 3.000.000 VND
Construction, manufacturing, processing, installation, restaurant 3.500.000 VND
91 and up HOTLINE: 0981.345.339 (24/7 SUPPORT)

5. Benefits of using a full accounting service

A full accounting service brings many important benefits to businesses, helping to optimize accounting and tax activities effectively. Below are the main benefits of using a full accounting service:

5.1 Cost savings and resource optimization

One of the significant benefits of a full accounting service is that it helps businesses save significant costs. Instead of having to recruit and maintain a separate accounting department or hire professional staff, businesses can easily send accounting and tax information to service providers. This helps save on personnel costs and invest in core business activities, helping businesses focus more on developing products, services and expanding markets.

5.2 Avoiding errors and violations of the law in accounting

The full accounting service is provided by a professional and experienced team, ensuring that the financial transactions of the enterprise are accounted for correctly and accurately. Having professional accountants to support helps avoid errors in the process of recording transactions and preparing financial reports, thereby minimizing the risk of violating the law related to accounting and tax.

6. Consulting and supporting customers using services at Viet My

Viet My is a reputable full-service accounting company with many years of experience. We provide customers with a range of accounting services, including:

  • Accounting bookkeeping
  • Financial reporting
  • Tax reporting
  • Tax settlement
  • Tax consulting

We have a team of professional accountants with high expertise and extensive experience. We are committed to providing customers with high-quality, accurate and timely accounting services.

We are always ready to advise and support customers using our services. We have a team of professional consultants with high expertise and extensive experience. We are committed to providing customers with accurate and useful advice.

If you are looking for a reputable professional and full-service tax accounting company, contact Viet My today. We will advise and support you to use our services in the best way.

Here are some ways that Viet My can support customers using its services:

  • Advice on accounting, tax and financial regulations
  • Answering customers’ questions about accounting operations
  • Supporting customers in preparing financial statements
  • Supporting customers in paying taxes
  • Supporting customers in tax settlement
  • Supporting customers in solving accounting, tax and financial issues

Viet My is committed to providing customers with high-quality, accurate and timely accounting services. We are always ready to advise and support customers using our services.

The full accounting service at VIET MY LAW AND ACCOUNTING brings convenience and efficiency to businesses. With the price list of full accounting services, we are committed to helping you save costs, avoid legal errors and focus on business development. Let us be your trusted companion on your path to success. Contact us now for dedicated advice and support!

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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.