Consulting tax accounting services
Reputable monthly tax reporting accounting service in 2024

Viet My is a reputable and professional provider of comprehensive monthly tax reporting accounting service nationwide. With more than 10 years of experience and more than 63 branches, we have provided professional tax accounting services to more than 10,000+ companies nationwide under long-term contracts. Come to us and you will be guaranteed security, accuracy of documents and procedures, while significantly saving costs and time.

1. Monthly tax reporting accounting service in Viet My

Tax reporting is the activity of declaring the amount of input value added tax arising from the purchase of goods and services. Sales invoices issued by the company do not include VAT. Monthly tax reporting is a task that every business must complete promptly. Failure to do so could hinder business operations and even result in fines from tax authorities.

In case an enterprise is on the tax authority’s watch list, the enterprise is having difficulty in production and business. Monthly tax reports include tax returns. List of incoming invoices; pay; Invoice usage report. Corporate tax declaration. Personal income tax declaration. Businesses need to complete tax declarations and submit them to tax authorities on time.

Monthly tax reporting accounting service making Value Added Tax (VAT) reports

Declare VAT in 2024 using the deduction method:

  • VAT declaration form “01/GTGT”;
  • List of invoices for sales of goods and services according to form number “01-1/GTGT”.
  • List of invoices for purchasing goods and services using form number “01-2/GTGT”.
  • Include additional attachments if needed.

Declare value added tax (VAT) in 2024 using the direct method:

  • Direct VAT declaration: Sales VAT declaration according to form number “03/GTGT”.
  • Directly sold: Sales VAT declaration according to form No. 04/GTGT.
  • List of invoices for sales of goods and services according to form number “04-1/GTGT”.

Monthly tax reporting service for personal income tax (PIT) reporting

Monthly tax report:

  • Corporate income tax declaration number “02/KK-TNCN” (for salary payers)
  • Corporate income tax declaration number “03/KK-TNCN” (for enterprises investing capital, transferring securities…)

Monthly tax reporting service reports invoice usage to tax authorities

Report on the use of invoices to the tax authority is prepared according to Form No. “BC26–AC” to record and fully describe the use of invoices and documents related to financial expenditure activities in the period.

2. Cost of monthly tax reporting accounting service

2.1 Service fee for monthly tax reporting service

To calculate the exact cost of hiring a full tax reporting service, it depends on the following factors: We require the customer’s workload, the industry in which the customer operates, and the implementation package (simple). or professional)… After listening to the customer’s wishes and finding out the reality, Viet My will prepare a detailed proposal for the customer for each work item.

The monthly tax reporting service fee is calculated as follows:

Does not arise 500,000 VND
Service of putting invoices into use for the first time 500,000 VND
First-time bank account notification service for the Department of Planning and Investment 200,000 VND

Note: Free applies to customers using tax and accounting services for at least 6 months

Does not arise 500,000 VND
From 10 – 20 sheets 1,500,000 VND
From 21 – 30 sheets 1,700,000 VND
From 31 – 41 sheets 1,900,000 VND
From 41 – 50 sheets 2,100,000 VND

Note: Additional fee of 200,000 VND/month (two hundred thousand VND) for each group of 10 sales and purchase invoices

2.2 Payment terms of monthly tax reporting accounting service

Monthly service fees are paid at the end of the reporting period or on the day Party B receives invoices and service provision documents for that month from Party A, no later than the 15th of the following month.

The annual service fee is payable at the same time as the December service fee.

Fees for labor procedures, salaries and other services (if any) will be paid upon receipt of documents.

Payment method: cash or bank transfer (Please use bank transfer to increase transaction transparency.)

Our business is conducted in accordance with applicable laws. We are also solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your company information collected in the course of conducting business.

You are responsible for providing the necessary information and documents to support the above work and to allow us to complete the work within our scope.

We believe that the experience and capacity of Viet My staff will help us promptly meet the needs of your business in all aspects of our operations.

We will appreciate your reply as soon as possible. If you have any requests or have any other questions, please contact us, Viet My is ready to serve you at any time.

3. Content of monthly tax reporting accounting services of Viet My

Content of monthly tax reporting accounting services of Viet My
Content of monthly tax reporting accounting services of Viet My

With the monthly tax reporting accounting service, Viet My has built a systematic implementation roadmap that includes the following tasks:

  • Prepare corporate documents for state tax authorities. We will register the invoice and advise on printing the invoice for you.
  • Evaluate and analyze the effectiveness of coupons issued as part of business operations. Additional corrections for other deviations from reality.
  • Check the company’s accounting system. Edit accounting documents and record accounting books.
  • Prepare monthly tax reports including: VAT. Personal income tax report. Preliminary report on corporate tax; Report on invoice usage status.
  • Monthly tax reporting service also helps businesses quickly update newly issued tax and accounting changes.
  • Advises companies to consider appropriate targets in their reporting. Optimize your costs and minimize the taxes you pay.
  • Print accounting books and prepare VAT refund documents for businesses. Consulting on effective accounting document management.
  • Viet My will, on behalf of the company, explain monthly tax reports to the provincial tax authority upon request.

4. Process of implementing monthly tax reporting accounting services of Viet My

4.1 Who should use monthly tax reporting accounting services?

  • Newly established companies and startups do not have much money
  • Small and medium enterprises have not yet completed their accounting department
  • Having been in business for many years, the accounting system is not stable and needs consulting and troubleshooting
  • Foreign-invested enterprises do not clearly understand Vietnamese legal regulations

4.2 Information customers need to provide when using Viet My’s monthly tax reporting and accounting services

  • Provide input and output invoices, import and export declarations (original or copy): Account statement, bank statement
  • Citizen identification card/ID card
  • Contract, inspection record, delivery record (if necessary)
  • Digital signature device for online tax declaration.

4.3 Process of implementing monthly tax reporting accounting services at Viet My

Step 1: Schedule a consultation, collect information, and survey customers via phone
Step 2: The accountant will come to the company to review detailed records and documents.
Step 3: Submit detailed tax accounting statements and estimates
Step 4: Sign a contract and provide services according to standard accounting procedures.

5. Why should you choose Viet My’s monthly tax reporting accounting service?

Correct implementation of the monthly tax reporting process is only done carefully by a dedicated team with many years of experience. But owning this team will require a company to spend a lot of money. Especially small and medium enterprises and startups will face many difficulties. In addition to costs such as salary, bonuses, and benefits, there are many other costs. Therefore, companies need to have solutions that both ensure quality and reduce costs. The solution is our monthly tax declaration service.

You can always count on the highest quality when using our business services. Viet My staff strives to perform accurately. It does not affect the company’s business operations. Quickly implement the handover plan. On behalf of the company, submit detailed reports and explanations as required. Thanks to monthly tax reports, companies can feel more secure and focus on their business development projects.

Monthly tax reporting accounting services help save costs

The cost of using monthly tax reporting accountants is lower than the cost of salaries paid to one or more accountants. If you use Viet My’s monthly tax reporting accounting, you do not have to invest anything more in the facilities of the accounting department at your company.

In addition, a reputable and professional tax consulting service commits to providing a quote for accounting services before deciding to receive the service and does not collect any additional fees.

No need to worry about accounting

We take care of your company’s accounting books with the help of our experienced accounting team to provide comprehensive tax preparation services at affordable prices. Data can be retrieved at any time.
Experienced accountant

Viet My’s staff is dedicated, professional and experienced in resolving tax and government issues.

Long term solution

Viet My is a business organization and all of its accounting and tax reports follow a specific process and are therefore stable over the long term.

France the best final tax preparation service

Our experienced staff will promptly advise you on solutions to optimize tax costs and improve your company’s competitiveness. Viet My commits not to collect any additional fees other than the agreed fees for the service.

6. Benefits of using Viet My’s monthly tax reporting accounting service

  • Businesses can feel secure using our monthly tax declaration service. Because the effectiveness that the service brings is extremely optimal. To ensure maximum profits for the company. In a short time, a professional accounting team will perform all work according to standards on behalf of the business.
  • Businesses can receive free accounting advice. New accounting legal documents issued. Or advise on solutions to handle backlogs in the accounting system. Our accounting system is always stable, ensuring compliance with legal regulations.
  • By using monthly tax declaration services, businesses can significantly reduce accounting costs. Instead, the service fee is only 500,000-2,000,000 VND/month, with no additional operating costs. Hanoi accountants always work according to standards that ensure maximum profits with minimum costs for businesses.

The process of preparing monthly tax reports must be professional and error-free. Only then can businesses have complete peace of mind in their production and business activities. Choosing accounting services for monthly tax reporting is a great and highly effective solution. VIET MY LAW AND ACCOUNTING always strives to provide the maximum possible added value to businesses.

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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.