Consulting tax accounting services
Full accounting service quote - No Additional Charges at Viet My

Service cost is an issue that most customers are concerned about when looking for units providing full accounting services. Therefore, Viet My Accounting would like to the full accounting service quote at Viet My below for customers to easily refer to. We are always proud that our accounting service price is extremely preferential and suitable for the quality of service. If you are interested, please refer to our article below.

1. Full accounting service at Viet My

Tax accounting services are often performed by a team of specialists and experts from an external service provider to help businesses perform accounting and tax reporting tasks in accordance with regulations.

Because the field of accounting – tax requires a lot of expertise and costs. Therefore, the emergence of accounting services has helped businesses specialize in tax accounting operations while reducing the “burden” of costs for businesses.

To solve the above two problems, the most optimal solution is to choose a full accounting service provider provided by Viet My. We will help you from the stage of preparing business establishment documents to the process of implementing legal regulations. Therefore, businesses will be specialized in operations as well as maximize the cost of hiring internal employees who have to pay monthly salaries and bonuses. From there, businesses can maximize their costs.

2. Full accounting service packages at Viet My

When using Viet My Accounting service packages, we will perform the following tasks:

2.1 Full accounting work

Full accounting services at Viet My will include the following items:

  • Basic accounting – tax operations
  • Processing invoices and documents for businesses
  • Processing payrolls
  • Calculating and paying insurance according to regulations: Health insurance, social insurance, unemployment insurance, etc.
  • Storing statistical data into the accounting software system

Tax reporting for individuals and businesses:

  • Monthly tax reporting
  • Quarterly tax reporting
  • Year-end tax reporting
  • Financial reporting of businesses

Completing paperwork and documents:

  • Completing procedures such as reporting and submitting reports in accordance with legal regulations. Printing, binding and storing important documents and books.

2.2 Full accounting service packages

Viet My introduces to customers the full accounting and tax service packages that are supporting customers. Each service package will have its own characteristics, depending on the needs of the customer, there will be a suitable choice.

Monthly tax accounting service:

For large-scale enterprises, business activities take place continuously, need to process all kinds of records and documents daily to ensure accuracy as well as timely balance.

  • Prepare receipts/payments, export/import of all kinds of sales invoices
  • Manage cash funds, digital money at the bank
  • Report detailed financial activities within 1 month
  • Report VAT, personal income tax with tax software

Advantages: Fast, accurate, ensuring progress and large workload. Business documents are processed in accordance with the law, clearly. Data can be easily retrieved when needed.

Quarterly tax reporting service

For small and medium-sized enterprises, business activities do not have many expenses, few documents.

  • Manage cash funds, digital money at the bank by quarter
  • Detailed financial activity reports in the quarter
  • Report VAT, personal income tax with tax software by quarter
  • Store all types of records

Advantages: Help businesses plan and complete all accounting and tax-related tasks in accordance with regulations and requirements of the state. Handle other related issues quickly. Save maximum time and costs.

Year-end tax accounting service

For businesses that want to synchronize all accounting documents and need a representative for the business to handle all issues related to accounting, tax and corporate law…

  • Corporate income tax settlement using tax software
  • Personal income tax settlement using tax software
  • Year-end corporate financial reports
  • Storing data, documents, records

Advantages: Minimizing risks and problems arising in the business.

3. Full accounting service quote at Viet My

Full accounting service quote at Viet My
Full accounting service quote at Viet My

Optimizing costs while still ensuring expertise in the business operation process is something that most businesses are particularly interested in. Therefore, many businesses have chosen to use Viet My’s Full Accounting Service. Let’s follow the quote for the full accounting service at Viet My below.

Service fees do not generate revenue 2,000,000 VND/quarter
Service fees generate revenue under 1 billion/year  

1,000,000 VND/month


Service fees generate revenue from 1 billion/year to 2 billion/year  

1,500,000 VND/month


Service fees generate revenue from over 2 billion to 3 billion/year  

2,000,000 VND/month


Service fees generate revenue of over 3 billion to 5 billion/year  

3,000,000 VND/month


Note: This fee does not include invoice service fee and social insurance. When this service arises, additional charges will be applied according to the attached price list.

There are many factors that can affect, so the price of a full accounting service will depend on different factors such as:

  • Scope of work to be performed.
  • Business sector, business lines of the enterprise
  • Scale of operation: investment capital, revenue, number of employees, number of company branches, offices, subsidiaries or affiliates.
  • Complexity and difficulty of the work, tasks that need to be performed.
  • Currently available resources of Viet My
  • Time to complete the work as required.
  • Level of risk in financial reporting.

4. What are the advantages of the full accounting service price at Viet My?

The price of the full accounting service at Viet My is evaluated by businesses that have used the service as optimal, economical and suitable for the quality of the service. To properly evaluate the price of the full accounting service at Viet My, you can refer to the following advantages:

Saving costs on human resources for businesses

Using accounting services from outside will help businesses save costs on recruiting employees and paying salaries to accountants every month.

In particular, in the case of needing a chief accountant or general accountant with many years of experience, the monthly salary is a significant expense for small and medium-sized enterprises.

No additional costs to recruit and train the company’s accounting position. No need to worry about managing the entire accounting department. No additional costs such as Social Insurance, Health Insurance, rewards, allowances and subsidies for employees.

Costs will be calculated based on work efficiency

The cost of full-package accounting services is calculated based on the number of invoices and documents at different levels, depending on the number of documents and the required level of expertise for the job. Similarly, if the business is small and has a small number of invoices and documents, the monthly accounting cost will be very economical and ensure compliance with accounting and tax laws.

The price of the full-package accounting service corresponds to the amount of work, and is signed in a transparent contract. The full-package accounting service will be calculated based on the actual time and number of personnel needed to complete the customer’s accounting work, based on the field, business line and accounting data that will arise, based on the requirements set by the customer.

Minimize tax risks

The team of staff and tax accountants from Viet My have high professional qualifications and perform accurate tasks to help businesses minimize tax risks such as: being administratively sanctioned due to late payment, failure to pay or making mistakes in reports and taxes.

To optimize the types of taxes and fees that need to be paid to the tax authorities. We always support customers when needed, keep tight books to rationalize costs, helping businesses avoid fines for violations due to unnecessary errors.

No need to invest in infrastructure

Hiring an external accounting service will save on salary and bonus costs and also help businesses streamline their operations.

If there is an accounting department, more area and space will be needed in the office. There are no initial costs such as: accounting software, furniture, computers, printers, stationery, electricity and water or travel expenses… Therefore, using Viet My’s full accounting service will be the best choice for your business.

5. Commitment to Viet My’s responsibility when providing full accounting services

To ensure the interests of businesses and transparency and responsibility in work, Viet My commits as follows:

  • Implement work according to schedule and quality according to the terms specifically agreed in the contract
  • Be responsible and pay all costs in case of errors occurring on Viet My’s part
  • Be responsible for explaining the data and reports made by Viet My to competent state agencies
  • Keep all business information confidential on Viet My’s accounting system

The above is the full accounting service quote at Viet My. If you have any difficulties with accounting, tax reporting or other related issues, please contact VIET MY LAW AND ACCOUNTING.

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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.