Consulting domestic services
Establishing a company/establishing a business with full consulting from A - Z

Viet My Law and Accounting is the number 1 reputable establishing a company service provider in the country today. We are committed to a large team with rich experience in real combat. With over 40+ branches across the country, we will complete all documents and procedures as quickly and accurately as possible. Commitment to no hassle, no risk. 120% refund if not on time. Call Viet My immediately to receive the best advice.


1. What benefits will establishing a company bring you?

This is one of the questions that startups care about the most, especially young startups. So, what are the benefits of establishing a company?

Benefits of establishing a company? Should you establish a business?

  • First: you will expand your business/production scale.
  • Second: you will easily promote your brand and products to consumers
  • Third: you will receive trust from customers and after receiving trust, it will bring you more profits.
  • And especially: when you establish a company, you will be protected by law, this will avoid the worst possible effects.

Besides, when establishing a business, you will receive favorable conditions and support from the state to borrow capital to expand your business (this is a superior advantage compared to opening a business).

2. Before establishing a company, you need to find out the following criteria

When customers use Viet My Accounting’s company establishment service, we will call for consultation before and after signing the contract we will complete all documents and procedures from A – Z for customer. You just need to sit at home and provide us with information and wait to receive the results. However, in this article we would like to share the necessary and sufficient factors to establish a company.

2.1 First is the naming of the company

You may not use a company name that is identical to previously used companies. During this process, you just need to provide the name you plan to give and Viet My will help you check to see if it matches or not. If there is no match, we will proceed with the next steps. If there is a match, we will suggest you other more suitable names.

Business name and notes when naming a business

So… when naming, do we need to follow any rules? Have. You comply with the principle: Type of business + Business name

For example: Viet My Law and Accounting LLC (for those who register as a 1-member LLC and 2-member LLC) or Viet My Law and Accounting Joint Stock Company (for those who who registers the type of joint stock company).

2.2 Next is the type of business

Currently, there are many types of businesses for you to choose from, but to list the types that Vietnamese and American customers often use and are also the most optimal, they are: one-member LLC, LLC. 2 members, joint stock company.

Instructions for choosing the most suitable type of business

Regarding this issue, we have created a comparison table so customers can follow and make the best choice:

Numerical order Criteria One member LLC LLC with 2 or more members Joint stock company
1 Member There is only 1 member From 2 members to 50 members From 3 shareholders and no restrictions
2 Mobilizing capital on the stock market No No Have
3 Management structure Simple Quite complicated Quite complicated
4 Convert type Have Have Have
5 In charge of According to charter capital According to capital contribution ratio According to the percentage of shares owned
6 Legal status Have Have Have
7 Capital transfer Transfer and sell to new owner or change company type Transfer internally or externally if no one buys The first 3 years can only be transferred to founding shareholders, and can only be transferred outside if the founding shareholders agree. After 3 free transfers.
8 Through the meeting At the discretion of the owner Important is 75% voting, other is 65% voting Important: 65% of votes, other than 51%, 50/50, the side has the opinion of the Chairman of the Board of Directors

2.3 Next is about charter capital

The law does not stipulate how much initial capital you have. However, charter capital is the basis for businesses to determine license fees and commit to financial responsibility obligations to partners. The higher your charter capital, the higher your company’s reputation.

How much capital is needed to establish a joint stock company or limited liability company?

Additional notes:

  • If your capital is 10 billion or less, the license fee is 2 million/year
  • If you leave over 10 billion, the license fee is 3 million/year.

2.4 Next is the legal representative

The company representative must meet the following conditions: must be at least 18 years old, have full capacity for civil acts, must not be a company representative who evades taxes, owes taxes, and is not a state employee ( depending on state requirements)

Regulations on the company’s legal representative

2.5 Next is the company headquarters address

For headquarters that is a private home, you must have complete information about house number, Village/Hamlet, District/District, Province/City.
Note: You are not allowed to locate your company headquarters in a dormitory or apartment building (if the apartment building has a commercial function, you can use it).

3. What documents do you need to establish a company?

  • Company rules;
  • Application for business establishment registration;
  • List of founding shareholders (If you choose the type of joint stock company);
  • List of members (If you choose the LLC with 2 or more members);
  • Power of attorney (if you ask someone else to submit the application);
  • Notarized copy of ID card/citizen identification card/passport of the representative and of the capital contributor.

Note: This is only for domestic businesses, but for foreign businesses what types of documents do you need?

What documents do you need to establish a company?
What documents do you need to establish a company?

4. How long does it take for you to get results?

The fastest time for Viet My to complete the job is 3 days – The slowest is 7 days. We commit to 120% REFUND IF NOT DONE ON SCHEDULE. After getting the results, customers will receive:

  • Business registration certificate (business license)
  • Support registration of import-export codes for import-export companies
  • Company seal (round seal)
  • Title stamp (According to the number of guests who want to order)
  • Charter and internal company records
  • Tax code is also business registration code
  • Get up to 100 electronic invoice numbers
  • Not signed for 3 years
  • Free premium Mica sign

5. What is the cost of establishing a full-service company for Viet My Accounting?

Currently, Viet My Accounting has built 2 main company establishment service fee packages. All of our packages include service fees and government fees. Commitment does not arise.

5.1 Basic company establishment service only 1,500,000 VND


💮 FULL package with business license 2 million VND 👉 discount now 1.5 million VND (price does not include VAT)
You receive:

  • Business license
  • Round mark
  • MB Bank bank account made at home

👉 It takes 5-7 working days to get a tax code


  • License declaration (waiting for digital signature to submit)
  • Get 500 HDDT numbers when registering for Digital Signature
  • Support for engraving title marks + support for placing mica signs when customers need
  • Support in consulting on brand protection when customers request to use trademark protection services

Note: Viet My receives payment via company account and issues invoices for customer service use.

5.2 Company establishment service popular package only 3,800,000 VND

💮 Package A-Z GOES OPERATION NOW 4,300,000 VND million 👉 Promotion remaining at 3,800,000 VND (price does not include VAT)

This is a full minimum service package that a new company needs, including:

  • Business license
  • Company round seal
  • Title stamp
  • Digital signature 3 years
  • High quality mica sign
  • MB Bank’s beautiful digital bank account can be made at home

👉 Implementation time is 5-7 working days with tax code


  • Free 3-month legal consulting support
  • After obtaining the Gold Copy Business License, our company will carry out initial support procedures such as:
    • Register for Digital Signature
    • Register for an electronic tax account
    • Submit the 2024 license fee declaration
    • Notify invoice issuance and create invoice templates with logo inserted on the invoice
    • The first tax report for the first quarter is free when customers submit the request in the correct tax declaration month
    • Consulting on social insurance registration documents
    • Support in registering for national trademark protection when customers request to use trademark protection services
    • Free 3-month legal consultation support

Note: Viet My receives payment via company account and issues invoices for customer service use

6. The specific process and procedures for establishing our company are as follows:

6.1. Receiving and processing information

Viet My Accounting will receive the information provided by customers. Next, we will advise and answer the questions you are having so that you can make the right choice for your type of business.

6.2. Consulting on solutions

After you have chosen the right type for you, Viet My Accounting will specifically advise on procedures, working processes, and optimal solutions to handle your requests as quickly as possible.

6.3. Negotiation & Contract Signing

After listening to the consultant, if you decide to use our services, Viet My Accounting will sign a contract with the customer.

6.4. Carry out company registration

Viet My Accounting will represent customers to carry out documents and procedures as quickly and accurately as possible. We always follow closely and will send experts to advise customers on related procedures throughout the service implementation process.

6.5. Contract liquidation & After-sales

After completing all documents and procedures. Viet My Accounting will hand over all records, papers, and books to customers. In addition, during the process of operating your business, if you encounter any legal problems, we are always ready to assist your business in solving problems. We commit to following you every step of the way.

7. Why should you choose Viet My Accounting’s comprehensive company establishment service?

7.1 Quality service. More than 1000+ large and small businesses trust it

Viet My Accounting’s staff is well-trained, with more than 15+ years of experience working with domestic and foreign partners. We always listen to customer feedback to improve service quality.

7.2 Economical company opening costs + Cheap prices & Full package from A – Z

Low-cost, comprehensive company establishment service NATIONWIDE with a cost of only 1,500,000 VND. We will support & represent customers in solving all complex issues during the company establishment process. Committed to always providing customers with the cheapest and highest quality service.

7.3 Absolutely no costs arise

Unlike many other units with very cheap initial prices. Then lure customers to use other accompanying services to increase costs, eventually customers have to pay a huge fee. Viet My Accounting always advises and shows clear price lists, so customers can freely choose the package that suits their conditions. Customers using Viet My Accounting’s services only have to pay the fee once, no charges will arise later.

7.4 Initial tax declaration support & Lifetime support

In order to best support customers, when using the company establishment service at Viet My Accounting, our accounting team will help you declare taxes for free for the first 3 months and support you for life. if you have a demand. This is extremely good and economical for small & medium businesses that do not have their own accounting system.

8. Frequently asked questions during the process of learning and establishing a business

8.1 What are the working hours of Vietnamese My accountants?

We work every day of the week, so if you need to use our services, pick up the phone and call HOTLINE: 0981.345.339 (24/24 SUPPORT) at any time. We are ready to advise you 24/24

8.2 Where does Viet My Accounting have branches?

Currently we have 3 headquarters: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang and a total of 63+ branches in all 63 different Provinces/Cities. With a team of good lawyers with over 15+ years of experience, we are committed to completing documents and procedures for customers in the fastest time. The most exactly.

8.3 What are the advantages of using Viet My Accounting’s company establishment services compared to other places?

We have a large, enthusiastic and enthusiastic team of lawyers who will advise you 24/7 whenever you need it. In case you are busy during office hours and cannot answer the phone, please leave your information and appropriate time and we will automatically contact you to advise you at the right time and request. In addition, when using our service “You don’t need to travel, You don’t need to prepare documents, We deliver the results completely free to your door”.

9. Benefits when using our business establishment service

  1. Consulting on initial investment capital;
  2. Consulting on member/shareholder structure in the company;
  3. Consulting on how to name a company to suit the needs and requirements of your business, support in looking up business names;
  4. Consulting on industry code registration, business registration (Consulting on conditional business lines and unconditioned business lines);
  5. Consulting on tax issues for businesses when going into operation;
  6. Consulting on opening representative offices, establishing branches and business households if you request;
  7. Consulting on copyright issues for mandatory professions such as: brand protection, exclusive trademark registration;
  8. Consulting on setting slogans and slogans;
  9. Consulting on digital signatures for online license tax declaration;
  10. Consulting on choosing the right type of business for your business activities such as: private enterprise, limited company, joint stock company;
  11. Consulting on invoice issues for businesses, free invoice issuance;
  12. Consulting on opening corporate bank accounts for customers;
  13. Free consultation on tax and accounting issues after establishing a company

10. Some notes when you use Viet My’s company establishment/business establishment services

  • The above fee commitment includes all additional fees.
  • Fees for digital signatures and electronic invoices include 10% VAT.
  • You ONLY pay the service fee immediately after completing the business registration, seal and establishment statement on the National portal.
  • Full commitment, no hidden charges. We apply this price to all Districts. Provinces/ Cities NATIONWIDE.
  • According to the latest business law 2020, immediately after registering to establish a business, you must open a bank account (we will carry out this procedure for you if you use our service) and register your business. Sign for electronic tax payment (required).
  • The above fees do not include the first year’s License Tax. Capital over 10 billion: Pay 3 million/year, Capital from 10 billion or less: 2 million/year, Established on July 1, only have to pay 1/2 of license tax according to regulations


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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.