Consulting domestic services

District 10 is a district with potential for business development, so many companies have been established here. There are many companies in District 10 that were established with legal support when establishing the company by Viet My. It can be seen that Viet My’s 10 military company establishment service is chosen by many organizations and individuals planning to establish a company in District 10. If you are having difficulty company establishment services in District 10, please refer to and use Viet My’s cheap District 10 company establishment service.

1. Steps to take before establishing a District 10 company

1.1 Choose the type of company

The Enterprise Law 2020 recognizes 05 types of businesses including:

  • Limited liability company with 2 or more members;
  • One-member limited liability company;
  • Joint stock company;
  • Partnerships;
  • Private enterprise.

When there is a need to establish a company, individuals and organizations need to first choose the appropriate type of business for the company. Therefore, depending on the number of members and form of capital contribution, organizations and individuals can choose the appropriate type of business.

1.2 Name of the company, headquarters, charter capital and business sector.

About the company name:

According to Article 37 of the Enterprise Law 2020 guided by Decree 01/2021/ND-CP, when naming companies, organizations and individuals, the following matters should be noted:

  • The Vietnamese name consists of two components: the type of enterprise selected and the individual name;
  • The name of the company intended to be named must not be the same as that of other companies; ;
  • Do not use the names of State agencies or socio-political organizations… to name the company;
  • Do not use words and symbols that violate historical, cultural, and fine customs traditions.

Company headquarters:

Article 42 of the 2020 Enterprise Law stipulates that the head office of the company is located in the territory of Vietnam and must be determined by administrative unit boundaries.

Charter capital:

If the type of enterprise is selected as a joint stock company, limited liability company or partnership company, organizations and individuals must determine the amount of charter capital.


The company is free to do business for industries and occupations that are not prohibited by law. Accordingly, when establishing companies, organizations and individuals, it is necessary to exclude business sectors and occupations that are not allowed by law.

In addition, it should be noted that business sectors are restricted from investment, business and conditional business sectors.

2. Procedures for establishing a company in District 10

Preparation of dossiers for business registration 

  • The application form for registration of establishment of a company in District 10 follows the form in Circular 01/2022/TT-MPI.
  • Draft of the company charter for the case of establishing a 1-member Limited Company – 2 or more members, joint stock company or partnership company.
  • Written authorization of the applicant in the case of not the legal representative of the submission company
  • List of partners (Limited Liability Company with 2 or more members) or List of founding shareholders (Sharing Company).
  • Copies of the Document for personal certification such as identity cards, citizen IDs or passports of owners and partners who contribute capital and shareholders.
  • Other documents on the form and conditions according to the line of business chosen by the company.

Filing of business registration documents 

Where to apply:

After preparing all business registration documents, organizations and individuals need to submit applications to: Provincial Registration Department (Department of Planning and Investment) where the head office of the company is located.

+ Address of Ho Chi Minh City Investment Registration Office: 32 Le Thanh Ton, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

+ Address of Thanh Ho Chi Minh Business Registration Office: No. 90G Tran Quoc Toan Street, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

+ Phone number: 028 38 293 179

+ Email:

+ The website of the Department of Planning and Investment in Ho Chi Minh City:

Form of application: 

According to clause 1 Article 26 of the 2020 Enterprise Law, organizations and individuals who perform business registration procedures can submit applications in one of 3 forms:

  • Submit Directly
  • Submit by post
  • Submit online.

To pay fees and fees for performing business registration 

Pursuant to Article 37 of Decree 01/2021/ND-CP on fees, fees for business registration may be paid directly to the Department or transferred to the Department of Business Registration or using electronic payment services.

Fee Rate:

Circular 47/2019/TT-BTC provides for fees and charges that organizations and individuals must pay when carrying out the procedures for establishing a company including:

Ordinal number Name of fees and charges Fee collection rate (VND/time)
1 Business registration fee 50.000
2 Information disclosure fee Information disclosure fee

*Note: In case of registering business via the internet or establishing a company from transition from a business household, the above fees and fees will be exempted.

Receive business registration certificate

According to Clause 5, Article 26 of the Enterprise Law 2020, within 03 working days from the date the receiving agency receives complete documents, the business registration agency will review the validity of the documents and issue a business registration certificate.

A business registration certificate will be issued if the following conditions are fully met:

  • Registered business lines and occupations are not prohibited by law;
  • The name of the company is correct and complies with regulations;
  • Valid registration documents to establish a District 10 company;
  • Pay all fees and charges as prescribed.

Engraved company seal

After having a business registration certificate, companies and businesses need to engrave the company seal to use for transactions (or can use an electronic digital signature to replace the seal).

According to Article 43 of the Enterprise Law 2020, companies can decide for themselves the type, quantity, form and content of the seal.

Announcement of business registration content information

After completing company establishment procedures and being granted a business registration certificate, companies need to announce the business registration content according to Article 32 of the Enterprise Law 2020.

Contents that need to be published:

Includes the contents of the business registration certificate and the following information:

– Business lines and professions have been registered;

– List of founding shareholders; List of shareholders who are foreign investors for the joint stock company (if any).

Company establishment services in District 10 of Viet My
Company establishment services in District 10 of Viet My

3. Company establishment services in District 10 of Viet My

Currently, establishing a company in District 10 is not too complicated, but because there are many steps, it can take time if you do not clearly understand the process and procedures for establishing a company. If you do not understand business law well, this process will take a very long time. Therefore, using Viet My’s District 10 company establishment service is the most optimal choice.

When using Viet My’s company establishment service in District 10, you will receive

  • Consulting on establishing a company in District 10 with information about capital, location, type of business, business lines, company name…;
  • Prepare company establishment documents according to current regulations;
  • The company representative submits the company registration application to the Department of Planning and Investment
  • The company representative received the business registration certificate at the Department of Planning and Investment
  • Hand over the results to the customer’s location upon request, including business registration certificate and seal (if any);
  • Consulting on tax legal issues and legal procedures that need to be carried out after the company is granted an operating license.

If you are concerned about cost, Viet My can completely meet the cost and quality requirements to suit your customers’ needs. Therefore, customers can be completely assured about the cost when using Viet My’s company establishment service in District 10.

4. Frequently asked questions

4.1 How old do you have to be to establish a company in District 10?

The Enterprise Law 2020 stipulates that people aged 18 years or older are allowed to contribute capital to establish and manage businesses. However, in addition to the condition of being 18 years old or older, a person must have full civil act capacity. Not currently in detention, custody or serving a prison sentence.

4.2 Can I register multiple professions at the same time when establishing a District 10 company?

You can register with multiple business lines at the same time. Because according to regulations, companies are allowed to do business in professions that are not prohibited by law, except for conditional business sectors, so many professions can be registered in the company’s business license.

4.3 How much capital is needed to establish a company in District 10?

Except for professions that require deposits and legal capital, the company’s founders will have to declare themselves and be responsible for the stated capital without requiring how much capital to establish the company.

4.4 Can an apartment be registered as a military company headquarters 10?

According to Clause 3, Article 3 of the 2014 Housing Law, apartments are built for two purposes: for residence or for mixed use for residence and business. Thus, only apartments (apartments) with mixed residential and business purposes can be used to register as a company headquarters.

4.5 Does establishing a company in District 10 require proof of charter capital?

When establishing a company in District 10 or contributing capital to a District 10 company, there is no need to prove the charter capital in a bank account. Currently, the law stipulates that the time limit for contributing charter capital to a company is 90 days from the date the company is granted a business registration certificate. After 90 days, if members do not contribute the full amount of registered capital, the actual amount of capital contributed will have to be adjusted.

Above is an article about Company Establishment Services in District 10. In case you have difficulty establishing a company or have questions about issues related to this issue, please immediately contact LUAT VA KE TOAN VIET MY for more advice and more incentives!

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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.