Consulting domestic services
Company establishment service in Binh Thuan are reputable and quality

Starting a business in Binh Thuan is increasingly more demanding and difficult. That’s why Viet My company’s company establishment service in Binh Thuan was established to help customers in all procedures. Helps customers save time and focus more on their business. To understand more about our working process, please follow the article content.

1. Benefits when using company establishment service in Binh Thuan

No matter where the customer is in the country, Viet My will help you establish a business in the right order under the hands of experienced and professional lawyers with lifetime incentives.

1.1 Information customers need to provide when using company establishment service in Binh Thuan

Instead of spending a lot of time and effort on manual procedures, preparing documents and records, all you have to do to use Viet My’s company establishment service in Binh Thuan is provide the following information: basic information. Next version and pending license:

  • Expected information: company name, share capital, headquarter address, field of operation…;
  • Citizen identification card/ID card/passport of the legal representative and capital investor.

1.2 Viet My services will provide free support when using the company establishment service in Binh Thuan

An important benefit when using Viet My’s company establishment service is that you receive free support on:

  • Free consultation on all legal issues related to procedures before and after establishing a company;
  • Free consultation on tax and accounting issues in the business process;
  • Free notarization of all necessary papers and documents during the company establishment process;
  • Open a free bank account for the company;
  • Free registration and creation of electronic invoices;
  • Free delivery and receipt of documents, stamps, and licenses.

2. Conditions for registering to establish a company in Binh Thuan

a. Conditions stipulate the entity establishing the company

You have an identity card/passport/citizen identification card;

Have full capacity for civil acts;

Unable to establish a business association (officers, civil servants, etc.).

The following documents are required:

  • For Vietnamese citizens: Citizen identification card or ID card or valid Vietnamese passport.
  • For foreigners: Foreign passport or valid foreign replacement document.

b. Selecting the type of company

According to the Enterprise Law 2014, Enterprises include the following types: Private enterprises; One-member LLC, two members; LLC with two or more members; Partnerships; Joint stock company.

c. Conditions stipulate the company name

According to Article 38 of the 2014 Enterprise Law, the company name must be written in Vietnamese; may contain numbers and symbols; Must be pronounceable and contain at least 2 elements: type of business and personal name, specifically as follows:

Type of business

  • The name of the type of company is written as joint stock company or joint stock company;
  • If it is a joint stock company, write “joint stock company” or “joint stock company”;
  • Write “partnership company” or “HD company” if it is a partnership;
  • For private companies, write “joint stock company”, “private company” or “private company”;
  • First name The correct name can write the letters in the Vietnamese alphabet, which are the letters F, J, Z, W, numbers and symbols.

In addition, the business name must be added to the head office; a representative branch; company location. The company name must be printed or written on transaction documents; documents and publications issued by the company.

To avoid duplicate names, start-ups often give longer company names (with 3-4 letters in the name). Or a company name with letters in English.

d. Conditions stipulate the company headquarters address

Head office address is the company’s contact and working place assigned an address, including:

House number street name neighborhood/quarter/city name district/district/city/district city center/province.

If the location of the head office does not have a house number or street name, local evidence that the address does not have a house number or street name must be submitted along with the company registration documents.

If the address to be rented as an office is in a building, the contractor must check whether the property has a commercial/office function in the documents before signing the contract.

The company’s headquarters must not be located in collective buildings or apartment buildings. In addition, customers must sign a lease or loan contract so that the company can provide invoices if they rent or lease the building as their headquarters.

At the same time, ask the homeowner to provide a copy of the land use right certificate.

e. Conditions governing the selection of legal representatives

When establishing a joint stock company or joint stock company, a valuable legal representative such as a director, executive director, executive director, etc. must be present.

This is the chief responsible for the entire business of the company.

Professional activities as a representative of the company; signed documents; communications with other government agencies, people or organizations.

f. Conditions of regulation on the line of business

According to regulations, the company can do all kinds of businesses that are not prohibited by law.

However, before operating, you must register in the commercial register.

A business entity only needs to list all areas it intends to do business (as specific as possible).

g. Conditions governing the charter capital of the company

Or the total amount of capital and money that the partners/shareholders and owners contribute or commit to contribute within 90 days to maintain the company’s operations. Business participants register their own shareholders’ equity and do not need to prove it.

This amount of capital can be increased whenever the company wants and the procedure is simple.

3. Documents required to establish a company in Binh Thuan in 2024

Documents required to establish a company in Binh Thuan in 2024
Documents required to establish a company in Binh Thuan in 2024
  • Business license
  • Company round seal;
  • Digital signature 3 years
  • 300-digit electronic invoice valid for 10 years.
  • Helps create original records;
  • Publicize enrollment information on the national portal.
  • Support for registering seal samples and bank accounts at the Department of Planning and Investment.
  • Support electronic invoices;
  • Support first quarter tax reporting right from the beginning.
  • Support for opening a bank account (if needed)

4. Procedures for establishing a company in Binh Thuan in 2023

Step 1: Prepare the company establishment dossier in Binh Thuan

A notarized copy of the identity card or passport still in effect of the member, founding shareholder or legal representative is mandatory to carry out procedures for establishing the company in Binh Thuan.

Step 2: Create your company profile

Step 3: Apply for Binh Thuan License

Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Commerce of Binh Thuan Province

Address number. 290 Tran Hung Dao, P. Binh Hung, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province

Step 4: Carve the company’s seal

Step 5: Enter your business registration information

After receiving the company registration certificate, it is required by law to send the company registration data to the national commercial registration portal. The contents of the declaration include the contents of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration and the following information:

List of founders and shareholders of a joint stock company with foreign investors.

Time limit for announcing company registration: The company must publish the company registration details on the Karma National Company Registration Portal within 30 days from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Company Registration.

5. What are the specific costs of establishing a company in Binh Thuan?

Fees payable when establishing a company are as follows:

  • Company registration fee: According to regulations of the Ministry of Finance, it is 50,000 VND/01 Company Registration Certificate;
  • Information fee for establishing company information disclosure on the national portal: 100,000 VND;
  • Company seal engraving fee (may or may not): Company seal engraving fee is the fee paid for the seal engraving service: 350,000 VND/1 seal;
  • Cost of purchasing digital signatures and commercial invoices: Depending on the invoice provider, the cost of purchasing digital signatures is normally: 2,300,000 VND (3-year package), fee for purchasing electronic invoice software: 1,000 ,000 VND (500 pages).

6. Frequently asked questions related to company establishment service in Binh Thuan

6.1 How much does it cost to establish a company in Binh Thuan?

Viet My provides company opening services in Binh Thuan with a package cost of only 1,200,000 VND and a commitment to no additional fees.

6.2 Can I establish a business in Binh Thuan without household registration in Binh Thuan?

Yes, because up to now there are no regulations on establishing a company requiring a household registration in the place where the company is headquartered.

6.3 What do businesses need to do after establishing a company in Binh Thuan?

After being granted a business license, the company must carry out the following 5 legal procedures:

Original tax declaration; Buy digital signature; Place company labels; Open an account and write down the bank account number; Register to use electronic invoices.

6.4 Time to complete company establishment procedures in Binh Thuan

The time to establish a business in Viet My is only 3-5 days from the time you start filing documents until receiving the license registration certificate and seal. Especially for companies that urgently need a business license, Bao Tin can support faster than the prescribed time.

6.5 Is it possible to register a business online?

Currently, most business registration agencies in major provinces/cities accept online business registration applications. Using this method, you not only save travel time, printing costs… but also minimize the overload for business registration agencies.

Company establishment service in Binh Thuan provide customers with comprehensive and professional solutions to carry out the company establishment process conveniently and effectively. We understand the relevant legal procedures and regulations, helping customers save time and effort during the company establishment process. If you have any questions, please contact LUAT VA KE TOAN VIET MY for specific advice!

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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.