Graphic profile of company establishment
Fast company establishment profile service in 2024

Company establishment profile service is a type of legal service that performs many tasks to help businesses register their businesses quickly and legally. Starting with a meeting, we will create and sign documents on the website. On behalf of the client, submit the application to the Ministry of Planning and Investment of the province/city where the company is located, on behalf of the company receive the Business Registration Certificate and make the seal. Here, we invite you to join Viet My to learn more about our company opening service.

1. Steps of company establishment profile service

Step 1: Signing a contract for legal services

  • After agreeing on the service fee for company establishment according to the general fee schedule of Viet My. Viet My and the customer sign a legal service contract for company establishment.
  • Please fill in the necessary information in the Company Establishment Application sent by Viet My.
  • After entering or providing complete information about the subject to start the business, the customer will send it to Viet My directly or via electronic means such as Email, Zalo, Viber. After receiving the information, Viet My will look up the company name and advise in advance on company establishment.

Step 2: Apply for a Business Registration Certificate

After the two parties sign the legal service contract and Viet My receives the first advance payment according to the contract, Viet My drafts the company establishment documents and sends them to the customer for signature and completion. Notarized documents and ID cards of the company’s founding members.

The application for a certificate of business registration includes:

  • Application for business registration
  • Draft charter
  • List of company members or list of shareholders.
  • ID card or passport of the owner of a private company, member of a limited liability company, shareholder of a joint stock company.
  • Other documents for special cases.
  • Agreement on the provision of legal services (authorization agreement) allowing Viet My to provide business establishment services.

Completion time for company establishment procedures is from 3 to 6 working days.

Step 3: Seal engraving

Step 4: Announcement of business registration content carried out in parallel with step 1

Step 5: Free consultation and full support after company establishment.

Therefore, after completing the full company establishment service, Viet My Law Firm will provide the enterprise with:

Business Registration Certificate

Including 4 contents:

  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Charter capital
  • Legal representative, list of company members or company owners.

2. Process of providing company establishment profile service

Step 1: Consulting

In Viet My’s opinion, we believe that the consulting stage is the most important stage when establishing a company. Because the business registration content will have a great impact on the company’s subsequent activities in terms of accounting, tax as well as the company’s business performance when it actually goes into operation.

All of our advice is based on the customer’s initial needs and intentions. We will advise you based on our experience, but the final decision is yours.

Step 2: Send information for customer review

Customers consult with the founding consultant and provide founding information. Based on the business profile content provided by the customer.

Then, our experts will standardize the information and send it to the customer for final review before creating the company registration profile.

Step 3: Prepare documents

Based on the information provided, the business establishment consultant will prepare the relevant documents in accordance with the law.

Step 4: Submit and sign the documents locally, submit the documents to the Ministry of Planning and Investment to establish the business on behalf of the client

The operating documents are signed on-site at the address provided by the client. Then, the Viet My specialist, on behalf of the client, submits the documents to the Ministry of Planning and Investment of the province/city where the company is headquartered.

Step 5: Receive the business registration certificate, engrave the round seal and give it to the client

The Viet My specialist is responsible for monitoring the progress of the paperwork and receiving the business registration certificate. We will deliver the business registration certificate and the round seal to you on-site.

Three working days after submitting the documents, the Song Kim specialist will receive the business registration certificate and the round seal on your behalf. All documents are then sent to the address specified by the customer.

Customers using the basic or popular package of company establishment services, Viet My continues to provide other services.

Step 6: Prepare and submit the first tax dossier

As of 2018, the Ministry of Planning and Investment is simply the licensing authority, while the post-audit of operations is directly managed by the tax authority. Therefore, the first tax declaration is very necessary when establishing a business.

For customers using our 2 advanced packages of full-package company establishment services, Viet My will prepare the dossiers and coordinate with the tax authority on your behalf.

Note: Different tax authorities may have different formats for the original tax file.

Step 7: Support customers to open domestic bank accounts

We want to bring maximum convenience to customers when using Viet My’s company establishment service. In 2024, Viet My cooperated with a bank that provides excellent services to help customers open bank accounts at designated locations. Currently, Viet My’s company establishment service has linked with banks to register for electronic tax payment (money) services for customers.

Step 8: Buy digital signature (token)

Declaring taxes online is mandatory, so you must buy a digital signature (token) to declare taxes immediately after establishment. Viet My buys a digital signature and creates an account on the General Department of Taxation’s electronic tax website.

Step 9: Buy and issue invoices

The use of electronic invoices with tax authority codes has been applied nationwide. Viet My places an order, submits the decision to use electronic invoices and hands over the account to the customer for use.

Step 10: Instructions for using digital signatures and electronic invoices

The final step in the complete company establishment service is to hand over the account and guide the customer on how to use digital signatures and electronic invoices.

Steps of company establishment profile service
Steps of company establishment profile service

3. Viet My Company Establishment Documentation Service

Company establishment document preparation service is a type of legal service that provides a variety of services to help companies register their business quickly and legally. Starting with a meeting, we will create and sign documents on the website. Submit the application to the Ministry of Planning and Investment of the province/city where the company is located on behalf of the client, receive the Business Registration Certificate and seal on behalf of the company.

Depending on the needs of each client, business establishment services may include initial tax declaration, electronic signature registration and electronic invoices. From there, you can immediately start running your business (legal work after establishment).

3.1 Information that customers need to provide when using the company establishment profile service

When establishing a company at Viet My, the company only needs to provide the following 3 pieces of information:

  • Company information: company name, head office location, department, capital, investment ratio.
  • Copy of ID card/citizen identification card/passport of the legal representative of the capital contributor/shareholder.
  • Phone number registered on your business license.

3.2 Contents of Viet My’s company establishment service

Viet My will perform the following tasks after providing the company establishment profile service:

  • We will advise you on the type of company, whether the company name is the same as another company name, head office location, department, capital, necessary procedures after establishment, taxes when operating the company, etc.
  • Draft and prepare all documents and procedures as required by the Department of Planning and Investment.
  • Submit the application for a business license to the Department of Planning and Investment, Business Licensing Authority on behalf of the company.
  • Publish your business declaration on the National Business Information Portal.
  • Engrave the company seal.
  • Hand over the business license and company seal.

4. Benefits of using Viet My’s fast company formation service

Nowadays, businesses can see many attractive promotions with just one click, with very low initial costs. However, businesses are still looking for a reputable law firm like Viet My to help them start their business for the following reasons:

  • Viet My Law Firm is a reputable company that advises companies on all matters related to establishing and operating businesses, as well as helping with business licenses and business registration.
  • Based in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Viet My has extensive relationships with business registration agencies in all provinces and cities across the country, so it is easy to support traders when they need to establish a company in any province or city across the country.
  • Viet My Law Firm is a reputable law firm with a team of experienced, professional lawyers and accounting consultants who have supported many companies. What to do after the company is established and during the company’s operation There is no penalty for non-compliance with regulatory obligations, but it is even worse. In many cases, businesses are still suspended by regulatory agencies and tax authorities for non-compliance, and there are cases where businesses do not comply with this obligation and do not clearly understand the regulations.
  • When businesses choose Viet My Law Firm, which specializes in business consulting and related legal services, the costs are always clearly and specifically stated through the legal service contract. No other costs arise (in some cases, they are intentionally divided or divided) to attract customers.
  • When using Viet My’s services, customers can anticipate possible legal situations and receive free support in many other areas related to business operations and other related activities, ensuring maximum profits for the company.
    When establishing a business through Viet My Law Firm, the company can receive professional services according to the agreed consulting contract, the service fee is very reasonable and much cheaper than law firms. However, the consulting department does not have the function of a lawyer.
  • With a team of professional lawyers and experienced business accounting consultants, Viet My Law Firm has supported and advised many businesses on all issues arising during the process of establishing a business. Lawyers will carefully guide the necessary procedures so that your company does not encounter trouble after establishment and during operation, not simply issuing a business registration certificate. , even non-compliance, or worse, the company does not meet its obligations or in some cases, the company does not understand the rules, which can cause the company’s parent agency and tax authority to suspend operations.
  • With the full company establishment service of Viet My Law, companies can receive professional services within the framework of a mandatory consulting contract and customers can also receive free advice in many possible areas. In other related areas, business activities anticipate possible legal situations to ensure the highest interests of the company and customers.

With the detailed company establishment profile service provided by VIET MY LAW AND ACCOUNTING, businesses can establish a company in accordance with regulations. In addition, businesses can choose to use our services to save time and optimize costs. For any questions that need to be answered and supported, businesses can contact our hotline immediately for the earliest consultation.

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Nguyen Thanh Phuc

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc has more than 15 years of experience in business administration, consulting, legal support, tax and strategic consulting. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc is a leading expert in the field of Law and Accounting in Vietnam, founder of the Viet My Law and Accounting brand, which has successfully franchised more than 30 branches nationwide. Viet My is the only Vietnamese brand reputable enough to franchise and succeed in the fields of Law and Accounting.